GPS systems

  • Period: to


  • Old GPS

    Old GPS
    The GPS was made in about the 1980's .In a way the old GPS looks like an old computer. Even though this might not be the same GPS system as Dr.Ivan R. Getting invented for military uses this is a pretty old GPS.This GPS might have been used by the FBI in the 1980's, since it was so modern back then.I am not sure who exactly invented it but it was built by someone probaly from the FBI or undercover serivices.
  • handheld GPS

    handheld GPS
    This is used for "geocoaching".It is a different type of GPS system unlike the one used in cars.This one is kind of like the one that the military used invented by Dr.Ivan R. Getting.(This is in a modern version).
  • Normal GPS

     Normal GPS
    This is the GPS people think about when you say GPS.I am not sure who exactly invented it, but lots of people adapted it.
  • More modern GPS system

    More modern GPS system
    Now GPS systems are touch screen and they also have radio and music all in one item.I am not sure about who made this because it developed by different companies.
  • Super modern GPS

    I think that GPS's will be inside the cars and the cars will drive by themselves because they are connected to the GPS.
  • bibliography

    Works Cited Kenney, Kim. "When Was the GPS Invented?" EHow. Demand Media, 18 May 2009. Web. 30 Oct. 2012. Works Cited GPS which looks like the person is going somewhere. Digital image. Northstar Community Church. N.p., n.d. Web. A handheld GPS navigation tool. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. Modern GPS system. Digital image. Gasgoo. N.p., n.d. Web. (n.d.): n. pag. Print.
    Picture of a fat old GPS navigation to