Government Timeline Project

  • 510 BCE

    Ancient Greece

    Consent of the Governed can be found all the way back to 510 BCE in Greece.
  • 150

    Ancient Roman Empire

    The beginnings of a representative government can be seen in the ancient Roman Empire. Rome was not a true representative democracy because not all of its important people were elected.
  • 689

    John Locke

    In 689 John Locke published a book about natural rights held by every human being. These natural rights included life, liberty, and property.
  • 1100

    The Iroquois

    The Iroquois a Native American Tribe, like the Founding Fathers of American formed an alliance to work together toward a common goal
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    In 1215 the English wrote the Magna Carta. There was a very important section of the Magna Carta which stated that the King had to follow the "law of the land" when helping his subjects.
  • Petition of Right

    "In 1628 Parliament forced the King to assent to the Petition of Right. This asked for a settlement of Parliament's complaints against the King's non-parliamentary taxation and imprisonments without trial, plus the unlawfulness of martial law and forced billets."
    “Charles I and the Petition of Right.” UK Parliament,
  • English Bill of Rights

    The English Bill of Rights is an act passed by the English Parliament on December 16, 1689. The Bill created separation of powers, limited the powers of the King and Queen, enhances democratic election, and strengthen freedom of speech.
  • Montesquieu Idea of Checks and Balances

    In 1748 French thinker Montesquieu wrote that "power must be divided in government to prevent one part from becoming to powerful."
  • Thomas Paine

    On January Ninth 1776 Thomas Paine published a pamphlet called Common Sense which talked about his arguments about how American should be a independent country.