Government Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1067

    Harry gets crowned king!

    Harry gets crowned king!
    At the age of 18 Harry is crowned king after his father passes away.
  • Jan 14, 1068

    Harry gets married!

    Harry gets married!
    He marries the beautiful Elizabeth when he is only 19.
  • Mar 13, 1071

    A royal child is born!

    A royal child is born!
    Together Queen Elizabeth and King Harry have a son named Joseph.
  • May 14, 1073

    Welcoming the new Prince of England!

    Welcoming the new Prince of England!
    Baby Joseph is pronounced their prince.
  • Jul 20, 1080

    Time for war!

    Time for war!
    King Harry sets out to war with his army of men.
  • Aug 1, 1081

    Scotland Vs. England

    Scotland Vs. England
    Scotland wants to take over England and overthrow King Harry.
  • Jan 1, 1082

    Ferocious King Harry

    Ferocious King Harry
    After a long battle...England wins and King Harry remains on his thrown!
  • Dec 23, 1093

    King Harry is sick

    King Harry is sick
    King Harry becomes very ill.
  • Apr 10, 1094

    Scotland wants revenge

    Scotland wants revenge
    Scotland challenges England to another war with a new leader in command!
  • Sep 7, 1095

    King Harry is defeated

    King Harry is defeated
    Prince Joseph joins his father King Harry in battle where King Harry is killed.
  • Jul 18, 1096

    Prince Joseph is undefeated

    Prince Joseph is undefeated
    Prince Joseph returns home undefeated. Together he and hiis army once again beat Scotland!
  • May 11, 1097

    Fall of the Scottish army creates a new King!

    Fall of the Scottish army creates a new King!
    Prince Joseph is crowned King Joseph after his victory and the fall of the Scottish army. Their Monarchy continues strong through their undefeated bloodline!