Government timeline Cali

  • May 6, 1215

    Magna carta

    The magna carta was a document that the nobles forced king john into signing. (1166-1216) The document greatly reduced the power he held as king, and allowed a powerful parliment to form. The magna carta became a basis for the english citizens rights.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Bicameral parliament - created in england

    Bicameral parliament - created in england
    The Bicameral parliament also known as the parliament of Great Britain was formed in 1707. The parliament is bicameral meaning it consists of an upper house,the house of lords and a lower house, the house of commons. And the Queen is the 3rd commponent of legislature.
  • Glorious revilution

    Glorious revilution
    The Glorious Revilution also known as the revolution of 1688, was the over throw of king james ll. and the celebration of new king and queen, william and mary.
  • English bill of rights

    English bill of rights
    The english bill of rights grew out of the Glorious revolution of 1688. Parliament proposed a decloration of rights and presented it to william and mary. Only after they accepted it did parliament proclaim them king and queen of england.
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    The boston tea party was a political protest by the sons of liberty in boston; the people were furious they hated the high prices, the taxes, and the fact that they were forced to house british soilders was unbearable. The leaders of the boston tea party gathered a group of people, and dumped loads of tea into the harbor.
  • U.s. declares independence

    U.s. declares independence
    The u.s made a document declaring independence from Great Britain called the "Declaration Of Independence" this stated their demands for freedom.
  • Arcticles of confederation is approved

    The arcticles of confederation was an agreement among the 13 states. its drafting began in mid 1776 an approved copy was sent to the states to be ratified in late 1777. on march 4th 1789 the arcticles were replaced with the U.s Constitution.
  • Shays rebellion

    Shays rebellion
    Shay's rebellion was an armed uprising that took place in central and western massachusetts in 1786 -1787. This event was named after Daniel Shays one of the leaders in the rebellion.
  • constitutional convention

    constitutional convention
    The constitutional convention took place from may 14th to september 17th 1787; in Philadelphia, pennsylvania. The convention was intended to revise the arcticles of confederation.
  • The great comprimise

    The great comprimise
    The Great comprimise was the agreement between larger and smaller states; agreeing that there would be proportional representation between the states. Meaning smaller states had less representation and larger states had more representation.
  • America divided: Federalists and anti-Federalists

    The people divided into 2 groups one anti- federalist(s) and the other federalist(s). The Anti-federalists believed that we needed a government with less power, and a bill of rights.The Federalists believed that we needed a strong central government and that we did not need a bill of rights; because new government couldnt take rights away.
  • united states constitution is ratified

    united states constitution is ratified
    The constitution is ratified by the states one at a time each happened a on a different day. It was to be effected by 9 states votes but was voted on by all thirteen instead.