Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta, also known as the Great charter. was signed by King John who was forced by a group of determined barons. The Magna carta Included guarantees of such fundamental rights as trial by jure and due process of law. These laws were originally only intended for the privileged classes only (pg. 31) -
English Bill of Rights
The english Bill of Rights prohibited a standing army in peacetime, except with the consent of Parliment, and required that all parliamentary elections be free. Included rights to fair trial, freedom from excessive bail, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment and more. (Pg. 31-32) -
Stamp Act
the stamp act imposed a direct tax by the british paliment specifically on the colo9nies of british america, and its required that any printed materials were legal documents, magazines, newspapers, and may other papers used for the colonies. the stamp act met great resistance in the colonies. -
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was the killing of five colonists by british regulars. In order to protect and support the crown appointed colonial officials attempting to enforce unpopular parliamentary legislation. -
Revolutionary War
It began as a war between The kingdom of Great Britian and the thirteen colonies but slowly and gradually turned into a world war. The main result was an american victory and a European rrecognition of the independence of the united states. -
The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence is a document that declared independance from Great britian and from their unusually high taxes on everything. The Declaration of Independence is composed of four parts: A preamble, Declaration of nat. rights, grievences, and a resolution of Independence. (pg. 43) -
The United States Constitution
The United States Constitution has the Ten amendments on it. The constitution is still used to enforce laws and rights of modern america. (pg.52) -
The Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights prohibited a standing army in peacetime except with the consent of parliment. It also includes such guarantees as the right to fair trial, Freedom, etc.. (pg. 32)