Got Grievances?

  • French and Indian War ends

    French and Indian War ends
    For nine years, from 1754-1763, Britain payed a large amount of money to keep their colonies safe and happy by fighting a war with France over control of the land in the Ohio Valley. It then ended with the treaty of Paris. After this war things were going to change greatly.
  • Stamp Act Passed

    Stamp Act Passed
    The Stamp Act was a new tax that required a stamp for all printed items including newspapers, legal documents, and even playing cards. Colonists were angry that the tax was being imposed without the consent of their colonial legislatures.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    In October of 1765, the colonies decided to organize and send send representatives to a meeting in New York City and that became know as the Stamp Act Congress. That Congress met and wanted to discuss the colonists' rights as British subjects. Declaring that only their colonial legislatures had the power to tax them.
  • Declaratory Act Passed

    Declaratory Act Passed
    An act that stated that it had all the power to make laws that were strong enough to keep people in the colonies under Great Britain's control. It said that any laws the colonies made that denied or called into question the right of Britain to control the colonies would be null and void. Britain would was going to legislate without representation.
  • Stamp Act Repealed

    Stamp Act Repealed
    Men and women began to protest with boycotts, publications, newspapers and sometimes violence. The sons of liberty formed and attacked the stamp commissioners office and home as a warning. The commissioner then resigned and there were no longer stamp commissioners left to collect tax
  • Townshend Acts Passed

    Townshend Acts Passed
    These acts were to tax British imports from other countries like glass, tea, lead, paint and paper. Those were things that colonists had a hard time getting their hands on or making them. A man chose to refuse to pay taxes and his ship was seized by troops. That set of a riot and the council responded by sending troops to the colonists homes.
  • Townshend Acts Repealed

  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Tensions were high and British soldiers were guarding the Boston customs house. Angry mobs began to throw rocks and snowballs at them. Shots were fired and five colonists were killed... that event is known as the Boston Massacre.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Sons of Liberty dressed up as mohawk indians and got on the ships in Boston.They dumped 45 tons of tea into the harbor.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    When all the colonies except Georgia sent delegates to meet in Philadelphia for the meeting. There were rumors of independence in the air and that's what people wanted.
  • Coercive Acts

    Coercive Acts
    The Parlament punished the rebels that caused the Boston Tea Party by passing the coercive acts. This meant the Boston Harbor was closed until all the tea thrown overboard on the harbor is payed for.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    The Second Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies in America which united in the American Revolutionary War.
  • Revolutionary War Begins

    Revolutionary War Begins
    The American Revolutionary War, also known as the American War of Independence, was an 18th-century war between Great Britain and its Thirteen Colonies which declared independence in 1776 as the United States of America, and then formed a military alliance with France in 1778
  • Declaration of Independence Signed

    Declaration of Independence Signed
    It declared that the 13 colonies were cutting off ties with Great Britain and the King. One by one they listed every single grievance they had.