Period: to
Google Earth Country Tour
Day 1
Introduction to Google Earth. Students will watch the Google Earth presentation I made on how Google Earth works, how they can search in Google Earth, and then will start practicing with some of the features. -
Days 2-4
Students complete a teacher-guided tutorial on how to use various features of Google Earth. Please see the Google Earth Guided Tutorial document for more information. -
Day 5
Students will demonstrate that they know how to search Google Earth by completing the Google Earth Scavenger hunt listed on the unit website. -
Day 6 & 7
Teacher will show students how to create a path in Google Earth. Students then participate in the "Introducing You," assignment, where they locate their birthplace as well as their parents' birthplaces. We will take this assignment a step further by marking a path from their birthplace to their parents' birthplace. -
Days 8 & 9
Students work in small groups to practice with placemarks using the Panoramio website. Students will take pictures of buildings, and landmarks around the school, as well as research pictures of places in Merced, then place them in Google Earth with a picture landmark. -
Day 10
Introduction of unit project. Students choose which country they would like to learn about and create a tour of in Google Earth. Students use the Pinball graphic organizer website to brainstorm the things they would like to include in their tour individually. Towards the end of class, we will meet back as a group to make a list on the whiteboard of things we would like to cover. -
Day 11-13
Students use the graphic organizer provided for them to research information from the internet. Students must copy and paste the URL's of the websites they will be using in their tour. Students have three days (Three 40 minute sessions) to complete this graphic organizer. -
Day 14
Teacher will demonstrate the teacher made tour of Israel. Teacher will demonstrate how to mark placemarks and record a tour. Students watch tours done by other people. -
Day 15-18
Students place landmarks for each of the 10 locations in their country. Each landmark must have a link to a web address that gives information about that landmark. Students record a tour going from landmark to landmark. -
Day 19
Students will complete a final quiz to end the unit!