CIJ Summer School
I sharpened my Excel and Access skills and was introduced to SQL.
Here is the overview -
ScraperWiki Hacks and Hackers Day Birmingham
I went all the way to Birmingham for thsi Hacks/Hackers day. I met ScraperWiki for the first time. Found it through chatting with a random guy at a talk. -
An Introduction to Data Jounralism
I attended this one-day course and actually found it too basic. I must be doing something right. -
Programming for Non-Geeks
I virtually attended this online webinar from Poynter, the online news university. -
Data and News Sourcing
I attended these workshops run by the Media Standards Trust, BCC College of Journalism and the Royal Statistical Society. -
Channel 4 News Article
This visualization was built by ScraperWiki. I was product manager (so to speak) and I gathered the data. -
Channel 4 News Article
This visual was made from the first data set I managed to scrape and I was the data journalist on the amazing ScraperWiki team that built this in a matter of days. -
Hacks and Hackers Hack Day, Glasgow
Read about what went on here. We had 8 teams of hacks and hackers digging around the Scottish data beat. Data on fire incidents, planning applications, public-owned property and gifts councillors’ received were mined. -
Story: Special Treatment for Special Advisers
I wrote this story using the data I scraped on gifts and hospitality for Special Advisers in No.10. It shows how the media companies are the major winers and diners. -
Data: Scrape it, Save it, Get it
I made these screencasts showing you the bascis of how to use ScrpaerWiki to scrape data. -
Story: The Best Things in Life are Free
I wrote this story after cleaning up some data I found scraped from the Work4MP jobs listing site. It was in regards to Nick Cleggs call to get Westminister interns paid. -
Story: Small Society
The story I wrote regarding what I found from the Ministerial Meetings scraper. -
Maker Night
Embarking on a new venture to hack 'things' using Arduino with these guys. Stay tuned for the results. -
Data Journalism: The Story So Far
A piece I wrote covering what I can about the state of data journalism (past, present and future) here. -
#djcamp 2011
Data Journalism Camp organised by The Digital Editor's Network. Check out the flyer. This blog was mentioned in the manual written by Tom Johnson of the Centre for Analytical Journalism. -
News Rewired
I was a speaker at this conference whose theme was data journalism. I was honored to be included in a very impressive line up. -
Knight-Mozilla Challenge
Had a great time at this jam for developers and journalists. Martin Belam was on my team and wrote up our team work on this blog post. I think The Guardian might do something with one of my ideas, the panopticon. -
Post: Sorting the Social Media Chaos
A write up of my talk at News Rewired for the tweeters that asked for it. For anyone interested in using social media for news gathering or investigation read the post -
News Rewired Blog
Featured and pictured on this blog post. Was honored to be in a line up of speakers that included Heather Brookes, James Ball, Chris Taggart, Kevin Anderson and Anna Doble. -
Post: Visualization - A Cloud of Spending
Build my first visualization from scraped data. You can read the post here. ScraperWiki user quickly copied the code and made it better. -
Scraped Berlin data for open democracy project
During a workshop I helped make some small scrapers for an open democracy project for Germany called meine-demokratie -
Period: to
Open Knowledge Conference 2011
Attended and helped run ScraperWiki workshop. You can find teh lineup here -
Post: WhyData Needs Journalism and Journalism Needs Data
My reflections on training journalists for the new data driven world. You can read them here -
Scraped Arms Transfers Database for Hacks/Hackers Toronto
You can get the exports here and you'll find a link to the imports. -
Post: Judges under the Hammer
Publsihed a post here about a scrpaed twitter account I made for the judicial complaints. Follow @OJCstatements on twitter. -
MozNewsLab Webinar: Burt Herman
The former AP foreign correspondent and founder of Storify gave this presentation about entrepreneurial journalism. -
Post: Build a business for your newsroom or make building a newsroom your business?
Read it here. My piece on how a data journalist shoulld be a newsroom microcosm for the entrepreneurial journalist. -
Tech talk at the Guardian
They invited me of all people! Great to see @gudaithi and @currybet again. And good pal @newsmary is now there. Seems all of Hacks/Hackers are migrating to the Guardian. -
Period: to
CIJ Summer School Workshop
I was one of the many great speakers this year! -
MozNewsLab Webinar: Chris Heilmann
He gave this lecture about web development and new capabilities in the browser and the Open Web. -
MozNewsLab Webinar: John Resig
John talked about building community around opens-source software ideas, and projects, and also how to successfully build software 'lego' -- that is, the building blocks that enable other people to do amazing things on the open Web. -
Post: Getting to grips with ScraperWiki for those who don't code
Go through the exercises outlined here. This is a copy of what I set up for the CIJ summer school workshop -
Post: Hack the Open Web, Not People's Private Phones
Written for OpenDemocracy and longer version on my blog. -
MozNewsLab Webinar: Jesse James Garrett
In 2002, Jesse wrote the book The Elements of User Experience. Watch his webinar to the lab here -
MozNewsLab Webinar: Shazna Nessa
Shazna Nessa is Director of Interactive at the Associated Press in New York. Nessa runs a global department that provides visual and interactive news content to customers in all formats. Watch the webinar she gave to the lab here -
Post: Telling a Story through Code - A Tale of Two Hamsters
Tutorial to learn classes turned into a blog post which you can read here -
MozNewsLab Webinar: Mohamed Nanabhay
Mohamed Nanabhay, is an internet entrepreneur and Head of Online at Al Jazeera English. Watch the webinar he gave to the lab here -
Post: Online News - Geeky Guidance
Getting some advice from my geeky friends on my MozNewsLab idea. Read about it here -
MozNewsLab Webinar: Oliver Reichenstein
Oliver Reichenstein is CEO of iA (Information Architects, Inc.), known as “one of the best-known design agencies in the world.” Watch the webinar he gave to the lab here -
MozNewsLab Webinar: Evan Hansen
Evan Hansen is the Editor In Chief of Wired.com. Under his stewardship, Wired.com’s traffic has grown fourfold, reaching more than 10 million unique visitors a month. Hansen has won numerous awards for technology reporting and writing. Watch the webinar he gave the lab here -
Post: Journalism - To Learn, to Teach, to Know
Gave an interview to DataJournalismBlog which you can watch here -
MozNewsLab Webinar: Jeff Jarvis
Jeff Jarvis is the author of What Would Google Do? He is associate professor and director of the interactive journalism program and the new business models for news project at the City University of New York’s Graduate School of Journalism. Listen to the webinar he gave the lab here -
Post: 10 Things for Getting Started in Data Journalism
Read the post [here](Top 10 Things for getting Started in Data Journalism) -
Post: ScraperWiki for those who don't code - the answers
Answers to a previous tutorial which you can go through here -