Goals Timeline

  • S

    I want to purchase a new computer for college, as it will not be slow.
  • M

    I review the costs of new, high power, and high performing computers, and the one I want to buy costs around $2000 dollars.
  • A

    I do not have $2000 currently, but I can save up funds for getting a new computer. I can give up going on vacations and long distance travelling, which would free up a generous amount of money.
  • R

    I can save up $200 to $250 per month for the computer, from September until May that will amount to just about or over $2000 dollars due to the amount of money I can save per month.
  • T

    I want to purchase a $2000 dollar computer, by saving up and cutting out vacations, by May of 2023. I can save $200 to $250 per month from September to May)