
Goals - Ryan Noecker

  • Period: to

    Ryan Noecker

  • Make Varsity basketball

    Make Varsity basketball
    I want to be a part of the Varsity basketball team so I can play with them
  • Graduate high school

    Graduate high school
    I want a high school diploma
  • Join the Marine Corps

    Join the Marine Corps
    I want to serve my country & I've always wanted to join. I also want to travel around the world a lot
  • Go to the Rio De Janiero Olympics

    Go to the Rio De Janiero Olympics
    I've always wanted to go to the Olympic games
  • Move to New York City

    Move to New York City
    I love this city. Everything about it
  • Get my own apartment in Manhattan

    Get my own apartment in Manhattan
    I don't want to live on the streets so I got an apartment
  • Enroll in the CUNY of Hunter

    Enroll in the CUNY of Hunter
    I want a bachelor's degree so I can get a good job
  • Get married

    Get married
    I want a wife to start a family
  • Have my first baby

    Have my first baby
    I want to start a family
  • Graduate with a Bachelor's Degree

    Graduate with a Bachelor's Degree
    I want a good job so I got my bachelor's
  • Get a high-paying job

    Get a high-paying job
    I don't want to work at McDonald's the rest of my life
  • Have my second baby

    Have my second baby
    i want two kids
  • Move into a condo in Brooklyn

    Move into a condo in Brooklyn
    I want a really nice home in the city
  • Become a basketball coach

    Become a basketball coach
    I wanna coach teens in basketball
  • Get a lambo

    Get a lambo
    I love lambos
  • Kids graduate high school

    Kids graduate high school
    I want them to have an awesome education
  • Become a millionaire

    Become a millionaire
    I like money
  • Retire

    I don't wanna work all my life
  • Travel to every US state

    Travel to every US state
    I like to travel
  • Travel to Europe

    Travel to Europe
    Euprope is very beautiful & I like to see history of the world by traveling to places