Goal Setting Timeline

By csells
  • Short Term SMART Goal

    Short Term SMART Goal
    S save money for an apartment or house
    M I will save 1,000- 3,000 dollars
    A I will spend $100 less on going out and shopping.
    R Saving money for an apartment or house is more important than going out and shopping at this moment.
    T I will save 1,000-3,000 dollars for the next 3-4 years
  • 5 steps for short term smart goal.

    5 steps for short term smart goal.
    1. Eat out less
    2. Drive less and walk more
    3. Use less internet to save money
    4. Use less electricity
    5. Buy 100 less on food.
  • Long term SMART goal

    Long term SMART goal
    S Move to Orlando Florida
    M I will save 3,000
    A I will spend $100 less on entertainment.
    R Saving money for Florida is more important than than entertainment because once I move to Orlando I'm going to work at sea world because I want to work with sea animals.
    T 5-7 years
  • 5 steps to get to Long term SMART goal

    5 steps to get to Long term SMART goal
    1. Save money on food
    2. go out less
    3. Shop for less clothes
    4. walk more than drive
    5. Get my nails done once or twice a month