Goal Setting Timeline

  • Long Term Goal Getting a House

    Long Term Goal Getting a House
    S- Saving to get a house.
    M- I will save $7,000
    A- Don't buy as much fast food as much and only spend money when it is a need
    R- saving money for the house is more important than impulsive buys
    T- 30 months
  • Steps

    Step 1- If I want food because it sounds good I won't go get the food I will eat the food I have at my house.
    Step 2- If I want to go shopping to spend money and make impulse purchases I will stay home and not spend any of my money.
    Step 3- Put all the cash I have in a safe and try not to use it.
    Step 4- Only use cash/card for needs like gas and bills.
    Step 5- When I get paychecks put half into savings account and half into checkings.
  • Short Term Goal Getting a Dog

    Short Term Goal Getting a Dog
    S- Saving to get a dog.
    M- I will save $500.
    A- Spend $30 less on little things jewelry and things that I want.
    R- Saving money for a dog is more important than spending money on little things that I don't really need.
    T- 3-4 months
  • Steps

    Step 1- Only spend money for mine and the dog's needs.
    Step 2- Work more hours to get bigger paychecks.
    Step 3- Not spending my whole paycheck on food/makeup.
    Step 4- Don't go out to eat as much.
    Step 5- Stay home more rather than going out every other night.
  • Short Term Goal Graduating High School

    Short Term Goal Graduating High School
    S- Getting all A's and B's knowing for sure I will graduate.
    M- I will do all homework and study for all tests/quizzes.
    A- Spend less time on phone or electronics and focus more on school work.
    R- Focusing on school work is more important than being on electronics all night.
    T- 3 months
  • Steps

    Step 1- Making sure all assignments are turned in on time.
    Step 2- Checking grades everyday at least twice.
    Step 3- Doing all homework assignments or projects when I get home from school.
    Step 4- Studying for tests/quizzes and making sure I know what is on the test.
    Step 5- making sure I retake any class I have failed in previous years.