Goal Setting Timeline

  • Saving to move out on my own

    S- I want to save money to move out.
    M- By saving $2,000 for everything I need.
    A- Save $175 out of each paycheck.
    R- It's realistic because it will only take about 5 1/2 months to save up that money if I stick to my budget.
    T- In 5 1/2 months
  • Step 1: Start a budget

    I will complete this step by making myself a budget to help me manage my money.
  • Step 2: Get another Job

    I will complete this step by applying at different places and hoping I get another job
  • Step 3: Stop eating out everyday

    I will complete this step by not going to mcdonalds every morning and saving that money.
  • Step 4: Limit Enterntainment

    I will start limiting myself on fun things I like to do, like going skating or to the movies.
  • Step 5: No shopping

    I will stop shopping for things that I don't need.