goal setting

By ChKent
  • Long Term Life Goal

    Long Term Life Goal
    S- Save money to own a small loft to use as a Salon.
    M- I will save $10,000.
    A- I will spend $70 less per paycheck on eating out.
    R- Saving money for a loft to start a salon is more important than eating out for every meal.
    T- I will achieve this goal in 3 years.
  • Short Term Life Goal

    Short Term Life Goal
    S- I will graduate college.
    M- I will get my cosmetology and Esthetics license.
    A- Spend less time hanging out with friends.
    R- Getting my future together is more important than partying.
    T- I will achieve this in 1 year.
  • Period: to


    1. Each paycheck buy little things for the salon.
    2. Find people and clients to support your business.
    3. Buy equipment for salon.
    4. Buy and make business cards.
    5. Come up with prices and a business plan.
  • Period: to


    1. Graduate high school
    2. work hard in school.
    3. practice constantly
    4. Study for tests and exams weeks before.
    5. Never give up if its too hard.