erie canal
streched 363 miles.The "Big Ditch", as it was called, took eight years to dig, and by 1825 had linked the hydson river to lake erie-or, in effect, the atlantic ocean to the great lakes. -
interchangeable parts
standerized parts that can be used in place of one another.The people who are involved is Eli Whitney, and president John Adams. Eli Whitney assembled a musket from pieces chosen at random from crates full of parts. -
shays rebellion
an uprising of debt-ridden massachussets farmers protesting increased state taxes in 1787. The people who were involved were george washington and farmers. The farmersprotest came to be called, cause paanic and dismay throughout the nation. -
great compromise
Roger sherman, a political leader from connecticutt suggested the great compromise, which offered a two-house congress to satisfy both small and big states. -
articles of confederation
is one in which two levels of the two levels of government shared fundemental powers.john dickinson,who hoped that the new system of government would reflect the order and harmony found in nature.They gave the new nationed government power to declare war, make peace,and sign trieaties.The articles however, created no seperate executive department to carry out and enforce the acts of congress and no national court system to interpret the meaning laws. -
northwest oridence
a law that established a procedure for the admission of new states to the union.the people who are involed are, the congress.The congress provided a procedure for dividing the land into territories. The northwest oridence also set requirements for the admission of new states, which however, seemed to overloook native american land claims. -
a series of 85 essays defending the constitution, written by federalists leaders, Alexander hamilton, james madison, and john jay. They provided an analysis and an explanation of constitutional provisisons, such as the seperation of powers and the limits on the power of majorities, that remain important today. -
checks and balances
the provisions in the u.s. constitution that prevent any branch of the u.s. government from dominating the other two branches. The people involved is the president, and congress. -
cotton gin
a machine for cleaning the seeds from cotton fibers, invented by eli whitney in 1793. The people involved is Eli whitney, southern farmers, nonslave holding farmers. Its important becuase short -staple(or short fiber)cotton was easier to grow but harder to clean than long staple cotton. -
popular sovereignty
a system in which the residents vote to decide an issue. who is involved is the federal government, new mexico, and utah. Its important becuase the federal government would pay texas $10 million to surrender its claim to new mexico -
Patterns of Immagratiom have always shaped and continue to shape American history.The Native American the European, and the west Africans were involved. The interaction of these three cultures helped create the present-day culture of the United States. -
Sundried brick, the Indian tribes of the southwest, allowed them to live as a community. -
The growth aft art and science 15th century European, incourage people to explore and question science. -
Prince Henry the navigator
He helped launch the era of European expansion, he sent Portuguese ships to explore the west coast of Africa. -
Christopher columbus
Christopher Columbus was an Italian sailor who discovered America, brought together the peoples of Europe, Africa, and the americas -
Spanish warriors who conquered the Natives that lived on the newly discovered lands. And they brought a lot of deadly diseases. -
Hernando cortez
He's a Spanish conquistador, he set off to conquer the Aztec empire in Mexico. The Aztec defeated him