Globalization has affected the wold due to, international trade and opportunities with global businesses.
By ortizvanessa
Period: to
Positive effects of Globalization
- Easier communication methods
- Faster travel routes
- Decrease in tariffs and growth of remittances
Decrease in tariffs and growth of remittances
In 1960 the United States asked for tariff liberation. -
Easier communication methods
In the 1970's fax machines started to be used around the world facilitating communication -
Fast travel methods
In the 1970's larger supper freighter, and the growth of containers making travel easier and faster. -
Bad health and saftey regulations (Walmart)
in the year.... Walmart was discovered not only using sweatshops but also using a company that didn't have any fire hydrants. -
Period: to
Negative effects of globalization
Sweatshops(Child Labor)
bad health and saftey regulation.
Approved comapines sending unapproved companies jobs -
Gap (Sweatshops)
In the year 2007 Gap was discovered using sweatshops to make clothing for companies they owned. -
Approved companies giving jobs to unapproved comapnies (Gap)
In the Year 2007 Gap stated they didn't know about their clothing being made at an unapproved company that had underage workers. The company owner also stated that they weren't contacted by Gap to make anything but they were contacted by an approved company