Throughout the years globalization has really taken off with the help of culture, trade, manufacturing, and science. Without the history of globalization there would be no globalization, and the world would be seperated.
130 BCE
Silk Trade
The Silk Road started during the Han Dynasty when the Ottoman empire closed off trade with the west (A Quick Guide). Items such as Chinese silk was one of the popular goods brought along the road. -
The spreading of Buddhism started in China creating a cultural expansion throughout Asia (A Quick Guide). Buddhism started out in India, but as trade was brought over to China and so was the culture and beliefs. As word of the new culture expanded throughout the cities, so did the culture itself. People started to believe in the religion and temples were built. Globalization has spread it farther and farther with the help of trade and shipping. Religions expanded with globalization. -
Slave Trade
Slave trade across the Atlantic Ocean was one of the first major systems of globalization (A Quick Guide). Slave trading was a major reason the economy thrived. Hundreds of dollars would be profited from each slave that was sold. Slavery started out in the east, but globalization brought it to the west. The Americas had never seen labor quite like this before. Without the trading of slaves a major part of the US history would not have occurred, and globalization would not have been successful. -
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial revolution is changing of producing manufactured goods from a house to a factory (Levin). Europe and America both became very urban and industrial in the cities. Products that were produced in the cities were shipped to other countries. Manufacturing made the production safer, and larger quantities were made for exporting to other countries. Globalization really expanded during this time of manufacturing because of the high demand of manufactured goods that were being produced. -
Green Revolution
The green revolution was the increase of food sources worldwide (Beck). The revolution was founded by a group of scientist who created pesticides and found more research on genes. The green revolution expanded our horizons on globalization because it connected the world. The green revolution saves million of lives a year, and brought undeveloped countries out of poverty. Since undeveloped countries can save their crops now, they can trade them to make an income. Globalization really took off. -
Globalization has taken off with the help of religion, commerce, manufacturing, and science. The world can be more healthier and technology based if these ideas are applied to society.