Industrial Revolution
This was the first Industrial Revolution. Rail roads and coal started to emit CO2. Land clearing for for expansion speed up greenhouse CO2 emissions as well. -
Lacking Atmosphere?
Joseph Fourier claims with his calculations that the Earth would be a lot colder and more harsh if there was no atmosphere and a weaker atmosphere. -
The sun can get blocked?
A physicist named John Tyndall discovers that it is possible for some gasses to block infrared radiation. In other words, there are greenhouse gasses that can keep heat in the Earth's atmosphere. He then suggested that a lot of the gasses could bring climate change someday -
Second Industrial Revolution(1870-1910)
The Second Industrial Revolution brought fertilizers and other harmful chemicals, electricity, and public health which would make for better living conditions. -
Global Warming Calculator
Arrhenius, a Swedish physicist and physical chemist published his first calculation of global warming from human greenhouse gasses emissions. -
World War 1(1914-1918)
There was a high demand for metals, gear, and supplies. Governments took control of factories and industrialized their societies. After all, the total war efforts made for a lot of greenhouse gasses that were emitted into the atmosphere -
World War 2(1939-1945)
World War 2 was very similar to World War 1, but in WW2 there was a huge struggle to control oil fields. Oil was used in mass amounts during the war and after too. All of that fossil fuel being burned was emitted into the atmosphere. We can just say that any war will contribute a lot to Global Warming, or at least more then normal. -
We have come to a Realization
After WW2 the US Office of Naval Research finally begins funding for science to somewhat understand global warming. They give a lot of money for research. -
Better Energy
The world started to test nuclear power which would massively help the amount of pollution by replacing fossil fuels. Wind turbines and solar panels also began research. We were looking to use renewable and more efficient energy. -
The Paris Accord
Trump, the US president claims that the US will be backing out of their plans to join the Paris Accord. This is a climate change agreement meant for every country. The US will not be helping to limit the greenhouse gasses soon, but some of the world is.