Bombed car

Global Terrorist Attacks 1972-Present

  • Period: to

    Modern Terrorist Attacks

  • Attack on the Sydney HIlton Hotel

    Attack on the Sydney HIlton Hotel
    a bomb was planted in a rubbish bin outside the SYdney HIlton Hotel which held 12 foreign leaders. This hotel was holding the first Commonwealth Heads of Government Regional Meeting. When garbage collectors loaded the bin into the garbage truck the bomb exploded, killing one police officer on site and the 2 garbage collectors. The men behind this act were members of Ananda Marga, a socio-spiritual organisation. A member Evan Pederick claimed another member Tim Anderson had told him to plant the
  • Attack on US Embassy in Kuwait

    On December 12,1983 the U.S Embassy in Kuwait was bombed in a series of attacks, the U.S weren't only just targeted but so were the French Embassy, the airport control tower, the main oil refinery, and the residential area for employees of Raytheon. The suspects arrested for this crime were believed to be Iranian based group called “ Al Dawa 17” (Kuwait 17) who were also a main Shiite group going against Saddam Hussein. These men were a domestic terrorist group.The result of the attack ended wit
  • Hijacksing of Kuwait Airlines

    Hijacksing of Kuwait Airlines
    On December 3,1984 Hijackers diverted a plane from Kuwait (meant to land in Pakistan) to Tehran where the hostaged were held for ransom. The hijackers whose responsibility for the crime were reportedly linked from Hezbollah’s Imad Mughniyah were never brought to trial and were even allowed to leave the country. These men were domestic terrorists.The hijackers asked for the release of the Kuwait 17 prisoners. When the demand wasn’t met, the hijackers killed 2 American officials from the U.S Agenc
  • Bombing of LaBelle

    La Belle was a discotheque in Berlin, popular with U.S off duty service men. On April 5,1986 5 reportedly involved members were tried for the bombing of La Belle. Though 5 people were tried the U.S stated Libya as responsible for sponsoring these crimes, and terrorism as whole, especially since one of the convicted was a Libyan diplomat. The attackers were a foreign unofficial terrorist group.The attack ended with 2 killed, one turkish woman, and one american. Al ong with that was more than 200
  • Truck Bombing in Columbia

    Bogota Colombia 52 dead 1000 injuries
    A truck filled with about 500 kg of dynamite parked outside the Administrative Department of Security (DAS) in Bogota, Columbia. The men responsible behind this terrorist act were believed to be apart of Medellin Cartel. This specific cartel were drug smugglers and suppliers. The supposed motive for this act was an attempt to kill DAS director Miguel Maza Marquez, who survived the attack. Medellin Cartel were a domestic “terrorist” group. This attack killed
  • Oklohoma City Bombing

    Oklohoma City Bombing
    on April 15,1995 a bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building had just occurred killing approximately 169 people, injuring 675, causing $652 million dollars in damage and destroying/ damaging 324 buildings. This was a domestic attack carried out by Timothy Mcveigh and Terry Nichols. The motive for this attack was the shared anger for the Federal Government's handling of the 1992 FBI standoff between Randy Weaver and Ruby Ridge along with the 51 day, 1993 FBI standoff with Branch Davi
  • School Number One Takeover

    School Number One Takeover
    In Beslan, North Ossetia, the first day of classes, members of the Chechen occupied School Number One. The hostage takers were Riyadus-Salikhin Battalion an Islamic terrorist group. The men were explosive belt and explosive underwear. After they forced everyone on the ground outside the school and the police then attacked, the men seized the school and forced everyone inside. This was a foreign attack, believed to be sent by the Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev. His motive for this attack was the
  • Attack in Mumbai

    Multiple shootings and grenade attacks and hostage takings took place in Mumbai, India. The attacks lasted four days. The people responsible for these killings were 10 Pakistani members of Lashkar-e Taiba. These men were a foreign terrorist group to the Indians. Of the 10 terrorist totals 9 were killed and only 1 was captured alive. The only motive given was from the only terrorist captured alive. He confessed that the attacks were conducted with the Pakistan Government's Intelligence Agency. Th