Global studies

By JP7790
  • Mariage Soviet Union dismantled

    Mariage Soviet Union dismantled
    My parents get together in 1992. This triggers my life events and the existence of my family today. Soviet Union Dismantled, Russia becomes an independent federation. Didnt become offical until the Supreme Soviet, highest government voted both itself and the Union out of existence.
  • Born, Russia Joins APEC

    Born, Russia Joins APEC
    In 1998 Russia joins APEC, Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Apec is a group of Asian countries that seek to promote free trade and econmic cooperation throught the Asian-Pacific. In the same year, I was born. In Georgia January 1st, 1998.
  • Russian Picture

    Russian Picture
  • Family moves to Cary,IL, Sinking of Kursk

    In 2000 my family consisting of my parents, my sister Sam and me move to Cary, IL. Here we stay for nearly nine years. In 2000 the Russian Nuclear Submarine Kursk sinks. No Survivors due to Russia not being able to find the submarine resulting in the death of survivors. Showing Russia's decline in power.
  • Russian Picture

    Russian Picture
  • A new member to the family, Russian GDP

    A new member to the family, Russian GDP
    Emily, is born on 11/3. She is my second sister, setting the total amount of siblings to two. In this year Russia's share of the total gross domestic product is only 1%. This shows Russia's decline and lack of power and influence in the world.
  • Russian Economic graph

    Russian Economic graph
  • Dominick is born. Russia and the Chechen rebels.

    Dominick is born. Russia and the Chechen rebels.
    Dominick is born on March 24, 2002. He my first brother, giving me a break from having 2 sisters. He is the sixth family member. In 2002 Russian helicopter is shot down, overloaded with troops resulting in the death of over 120 soldiers. The conflict originated when Georgia became a Russian Protectorate.
  • Russian Helicopter shot down

    Russian Helicopter shot down
    (Example of model of heli)
  • Confirmation, Russia in a downfall.

    Confirmation, Russia in a downfall.
    In April 2002 I had my confirmation. A major religious stepping stone. During this time Russia's population is decreasing 700,000 a year. Due to Alcohol, AIDS and suicide.
  • Russian Picture 2006

    Russian Picture 2006
  • Move to RI, Russian unfair Authorizations

    Move to RI, Russian unfair Authorizations
    We move to Rhode Island in July 2010, after 9 years living in Cary, IL. At this point Nick and the whole family are together. Russia and China authorized NATO military attacks in Libya to protect anti-government protesters, but do not allow a similar resolution against Syria that is also killing hundreds of protesters.
  • Russian Pic

  • Highschool starts, NATO sets up anti missle systems.

    Highschool starts, NATO sets up anti missle systems.
    Highschool starts in 2012, ending the easy years of middle school. The time spent in highschool will determine my life forever. NATO activates a missile defence system in Europe despite strong Russian opposition, and in response Russia launches a program of rearmament
  • Russian Picture

    Russian Picture
  • Permit+16, Increased military spending

    January 18th, I turn 16 along with getting my permit the 28th. Major stepping stone to life being able to drive. During this time Russia increases military spending. It will increase its presence in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.
  • Russian Picture

    Russian Picture
    Increased military spending
  • College, and more Russian ships

    College, and more Russian ships
    By 2020, I should in college getting a degree in computer engineering, that is if I dont change my course of action. Russia is expecting 54 new warships and 24 submarines.
  • Russian:Picture
