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It starts getting into sea
There is more rubbish around and people dumb their rubbish in creeks and that water flows out to the ocean and plastic bags get carried out to sea. Turtles think the plastic bags are jellyfish. So they eat it and die because they choke on the bag. And that leaves us with more dying sea creatures. So please stop dumping rubbish! -
When there wasn't much rubbish around
In the 1980's and under there wasn't many landfills around and there wasn't many problems with rubbish. People would pick up rubbish and put it in the bin. As time grew more people came and more problems started forming. -
Every Wednesday the rubbish truck comes around towns and picks up your rubbish. That rubbish is taken to the land full and gets dumped onto a huge pile of rubbish. People quite their jobs and go out every day and pick up rubbish for a living. Some people recycle and reuse which is good.
Did you know that 20000 tones of rubbish is taken to the Auckland land full and that's just Auckland. -
Our Parks and area's
As you can see in this photo it is a rubbish filled with junk and more rubbish. Some people don't care about our area's and they just dump it on the ground, They dumb it in rivers, and they fill up public rubbish bin until the lid comes off and sometimes that happens in a day. New Zealand is becoming one of the worst rubbish land fullers. And that is quite embarrassing. This photo was taken in 2016. -
How much rubbish is taken to the Auckland land full
Every year people that live in Auckland send 144 kg's Over the year. Christmas and New Year the amount we chuck away increases by 10 per cent and the number of items we send for recycling increases by 20 per cent.Did you know approximately 252,000 tones of plastics waste is taken to New Zealand Land fill a year. -
How we are trying to fix this issue
Stores are starting to make customers pay for plastics bags. They are 10 cents each. You can also buy bags that are not made with plastic and a good thing is you can reuse it every time you shop, instead of buy plastic bags and making this problem worse. Some workers have come up with an idea. They can use plastic to make more roads.