Global Interaction Timeline: 1500-1800

  • 1500

    Choson Korea: Korean literati purges

    Politics; Shows Yeonsangun was harsh tyrant of Korea
  • Period: 1500 to

    Ming to Qing: Silver from the New World is brought to China.

    Economic; Caused price inflation and hindered economic growth while the rest of the world such as Europe was benefiting from silver.
  • 1501

    Safavid Empire: Safavid Empire arise

    Politics; A big turning point for the Middle East
  • 1501

    Safavid Empire: Shah Ismail becomes Shah of Persia

    Politics; This caused the Safavid Empire to begin which was a turning point for the Middle East.
  • 1501

    Safavid Empire: Ismail sizes much of Iran and Iraq

    Politics; This helped the empire become more extensive and powerful which has a direct impact on the country of Iran.
  • 1502

    Safavid Empire: Ismail defeats army of Alvand Beig of Aq Qoyunlu

    Politics; This helped the Safavid Empire become the strongest force in Iran.
  • Period: 1505 to 1518

    Russia: Polish-Russian War

    Politics; Russia lost territory to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, additionally losing power as well.
  • 1506

    Choson Korea: Yeonsangun was killed and his brother Jungjong took rule

    Politics; Ended the misrule of the throne by Yeonsangun
  • 1507

    Safavid Empire: Ismail added Shi'a holy cities of Najaf and Karbala to Iran.

    Religion; This helped the Empire emphasize the importance of religion.
  • 1508

    Safavid Empire: Ismail defeats Uzbeks

    Politics; This helped the empire become more extensive and powerful which has a direct impact on the country of Iran.
  • 1508

    Safavid Empire: Ismail defeats Iran

    Politics; This helped the empire become more extensive and powerful which has a direct impact on the country of Iran.
  • 1508

    Safavid Empire: Ordered massacre of Sunni Muslims

    Religion; Changed religious dynamics, has direct effect on the religion in Iran because it is a different branch of Islam.
  • 1508

    Safavid Empire: Reconstruction of the Al-Kazimiyyah Shrine

    Religion; This changed religious dynamics within the Empire which was a turning point because of the relevance of religion in this time period.
  • 1514

    Ottoman Empire: Ismail I of Safavid Persia defeated by Selim I

    Politics; This brought East Anatolia under the Turkish rule in the Battle of Chaldiran.
  • 1520

    Ottoman Empire: Suleiman I reigns

    Politics, religious, and economic; The ottoman empire reached its peak during his reign. He conquered parts of Western Asia and Southeast Europe in his desire to convert people to Islam. Became the most powerful and best known leader of the empire.
  • 1522

    Ottoman Empire: Rhodes captured by Suleiman I

    Politics; This caused the Ottoman Empire to become more powerful, was a good start to Suleiman's reign.
  • 1526

    Mughal Empire: Battle of panipa

    Politics; This battle essentially marked the beginning of the Mughal empire. Babur’s forces defeated the Lodi Empire of Northern India. This battle was one of the first to include gunpowder and firearms and with the win, Babur created the beginnings of the Mughals.
  • 1529

    Ottoman Empire: Algeria Falls to Ottoman Fleet

    Politics; This was a huge win for the ottoman fleet as they had this unprecedented defeat.
  • 1533

    Safavid Empire: Safavid city of Baghdad overrun by Ottoman Empire

    Politics; Caused capital to move which was a turning point for the empire
  • 1538

    Ottoman Empire: Sea battle of Preveza

    Politics; A large part of Mediterranean Sea was brought under Turkish control in the Sea Battle of Preveza.
  • 1540

    Mughal Empire: Sher Shah Suri takes power

    Politics; Sher Shah Suri, leader of the rival Sur Dynasty, led the leader, Humayun, out of India and essentially created a cultural and different structure for the Mughal empire for a number of years.
  • 1547

    Russia: Elaborate ceremony crowns Ivan the first Czar of Muscovy

    Politics; Gave Russia a more formal organization of government. Initiated Russia’s beginning of a monarchy and or rule that the rest of the world was yet to be recognized with.
  • 1550

    Choson Korea: Jungjong established hayeong

    Economic; Strengthened local autonomy and communal spirit at the people.
  • Period: 1552 to

    Ming to Qing: Jesuit Matteo Ricci gains access to China’s imperial court.

  • 1553

    Russia: First book printed in Russia, the Narrow-typed Gospel Book

    Academic/Arts; Technological improvements led to advances in literature in Russia. Began the time period where Russian ideas and literature can spread to other regions through printed books that are more durable than writing
  • 1555

    Mughal Empire: Humayun reclaims the empire

    Politics; Humayun takes advantage of the death of Sher Shah Suri, he banded his army together and retook Delhi and restored the Mughals back to power.
  • 1555

    Safavid Empire: Safavids and Ottomans declare peace

    Politics; This helped the empires become more politically stable which was a very important turning point for their success.
  • 1556

    Mughal Empire: Akbar the great comes to power

    Politics; Akbar, Humayun’s son, succeeded. This is a turning point because he creates the definition of Mughal culture we know of today.
  • 1556

    Mughal Empire: Second battle of panipat

    Politics; Under Bairam Khan again, the Mughal army once again defeats the Surs which ultimately solidifies Akbar’s control over the empire once again.
  • 1561

    Mughal Empire: Bairam Khan is assassinated

    Politics and economic; Akbar strips Bairam Khan of his regency and then he is assassinated. Akbar then gains full control of the empire. This is a turning point because he is known for developing trade with European countries, developing a strong system of administration and widely grew the economy. Guns he acquired from Europe allowed for a huge Mughal military advantage.
  • 1566

    Ottoman Empire: Suleiman’s death, beginning reign of his son

    Politics; After his death, his son Selim II rules and creates a very unstable period. He never went to fight battles and his government was unstable, unlike his father.
  • 1571

    Russia: Crimean Tatars to the south sacked Moscow

    Politics; Shows how Russia was poor and encountered downfalls in their empire’s beginning that many nations were powerful enough to conquer and have dominion over Russian territory which was later to be regained
  • 1571

    Ottoman Empire: Ottoman Fleet Defeated by Christians at Lepanto

    Politics; This naval battle with the Christian forces of the Holy League and the Ottoman Turks during an Ottoman campaign to acquire the Venetian island of Cyprus. It marked the first significant victory for a Christian naval force over a Turkish fleet.
  • 1580

    Tokugawa Japan: Ashikaga shogunate lost control

    Political and economics; This led to destabilization of Japan
  • 1582

    Russia: Strogonov’s troops destroyed Khanate of Sibir, only political power in the region

    Politics; Helped Russia conquer Siberia, using the territory for a penal colony for criminals and political prisoners. Having conquered some territory, allowed other regions to recognize Russia.
  • Safavid Empire: Decree of Shah Abbas I Begins

    Politics and religion; He kept the Safavid Empire in running which helped develop into modern day Iran
  • Choson Korea: Rebellion of Jeag Yeo-rip

    Economic; Led to purge of all easterners with commerce to yeo-rip
  • Tokugawa Japan: Jesuits came to Japan

    Religion; Created a lot of Christian converts in East Japan
  • Choson Korea: Japanese invasions

    Politics; Led to most of S. Korea being occupied by Japanese
  • Tokugawa Japan: Hideyoshi led an invasion of Korea

    Economic and political; Japan became more powerful due to their extensive land.
  • Choson Korea: Choson and Ming forces defeat Japan

    Economics and politics; Caused relations to be suspended until 1609
  • Safavid Empire: Royal Capital moved to Isfahan

    Religion; Isfahan remains an important religious city which dates back to this time.
  • Russia: End of Muscovite Dynasty

    Politics; Helped lay the foundations for establishing the Russian Empire and or a place in the world.
  • Tokugawa Japan: Hideyoshi's death

    Politics; Japan made peace with Korea which was important for international relations at that time.
  • Mughal Empire: Jahangir revolts against Akbar

    Politics; Even though Jahangir was Akbar's declared successor, he wanted to speed up the process and led a revolt against his father. This Created upheaval and turmoil even though he was supported by large groups off Haram women.
  • Ming to Qing: Galdan restored Mongolia as a regional military power.

    Politics; Gave China another enemy military power to fight off, causing unresting conflict in Asia.
  • Ming to Qing: Workers protest working conditions at Jingdezhen.

    Economic; Shows how working conditions were not well due to economic growth being stunted and the desperate need for money in China’s decline.
  • Safavid Empire: Abbas I beats Ottomans

    Politics; This allowed the Safavid Empire to win back lost territory and become more powerful, big turning point for empire
  • Safavid Empire: Mosque of Shaykh Lutfallah was built

    Religion; This was important because it was constructed by Shah Abbas I
  • Tokugawa Japan: Tokugawa shogunate brought local lords under administration

    Political; Began centralization of Japan's government which benefitted everyone within the country.
  • Ottoman Empire: Ottomans Driven out of Caucasus and Azerbaijan

    Politics and economics; This essentially brought the empire to the peak of its territorial extent. Reform efforts undertaken by 17th-century sultans did little to deter the onset of decay. Then they ended up being driven out of the Caucasus.
  • Ottoman Empire: Ottomans Driven out of Iraq

    Politics; As being driven out of Iraq, the Ottomans began becoming at odds with poor leaders.
  • Ottoman Empire: At odds with persia

    Politics; As the poor leaders continued, the European world underestimated the Ottoman forces. Persian fighting continues throughout this period.
  • Safavid Empire: Shah Mosque was built

    Religion; This was the beginning of a trend started by Shah Abbas because he built many mosques.
  • Safavid Empire: Painting of Mughal emperor embracing Safavid Shah Abbas

    Art; Picture helps historians understand what life was like during the time of the Safavid Empire
  • Safavid Empire: Safavids take control of Baghdad

    Politics; This helped the empire expand its power which impacted many countries around it.
  • Choson Korea: Jurchen attack of Choson Korea

    Politics, economics; Forced Choson to accept brotherly relations with Jurchens.
  • Mughal Empire: Shah Jahan succeeds as emperor

    Politics; Jahangir's third son. DUring his period of reign he created a period in which the court’s opulence became more expensive.
  • Safavid Empire: Shah Abbas Death

    Politics and economy; Caused mismanagement in government and trade which was a turning point in the Safavid Empire because it lost its prosperity.
  • Safavid Empire: Shah Abbas reign ended

    Politics; This changed political life in the empire and was an extreme turning point because Shah Abbas was crucial to prosperity.
  • Tokugawa Japan: Shogan required regional lords to visit E.D.O

    Economic; Stimulated development of transportation and commerce.
  • Mughal Empire: Construction of Taj Mahal

    Art/intellectual; The white marble mausoleum is created by Shah Jahan in memory as his wife. This architecture is widely recognized for the beautiful Mughal architecture and was a cultural turning point for Mughal art of the time.
  • Safavid Empire: Safavids lose Baghdad

    Politics; This led to the weakening and downfall of the empire
  • Safavid Empire: Ottomans and Safavids have another truce

    Politics; This weakened their relationship which directly caused the end of the Safavid Empire.
  • Russia: Russian settlers began to grow grain in the Amur River Valley east of Mongolia, where they interacted with Chinese authorities.

    Social; Due to agriculture, Russia and China were able to interact and engage in economic activities with each other such as trading.
  • Ming to Qing: Ming general joins forces with Manchu leaders after rebel leader Li Zheng is in possession of Beijing and the emperor is dead.

    Politics; Allies with another power in order to take down a rebel leader that is overthrowing prosperous cities and murdering the emperor. Causes political unrest that the empire may be overthrown and have traditional Chinese customs readjusted.
  • Period: to

    Ming to Qing: Drop in annual temperature in China.

    Economics; Stunts great economic growth. Known as the Little Ice Age there is great agricultural distress, famine, and disease. Great downfall for China
  • Russia: A law transformed the peasants into serfs by eliminating the period when they could change masters and ordering runaways to return to their masters in Russia

    Economic; Made laws more strict to make the economy and labor more efficient and organized in Russia, in order for it to prosper along and catch up with the rest of the world.
  • Tokuwaga Japan: Tokugawa shogunate banned Christianity

    Religious; Japan was religiously uniform which has continued into modern times.
  • Choson Korea: Factional conflict in Choson Korea

    Economic; Created an intense conflict that causes long lasting chaos.
  • Period: to

    Russia: Russo-Polish War

    Politics; This time, Russia has won and gained significant territorial gain. Marked the beginning of Russia’s rise as a great power in Eastern Europe.
  • Mughal Empire: Dara Shikoh becomes regent.

    Politics; Shah Jahan falls ill, and his eldest son, Dara Shikoh, becomes regent for him. However, due to his liberal politics, his younger brother, Aurangzeb, allies with conservative Islamic factions to oppose him.
  • Mughal Empire: Aurangzeb succeeds as emperor

    Politics, religion; As Aurangzeb had Shah Jahan imprisoned, he essentially goes on to expand the empire. However, this is a turning point in Mughal history because his radical religious conservatism undermines the stability of the empire and marks descent into the decline of the Mughal’s power.
  • Tokuwaga Japan: Japan relied on overseas trade with other countries

    Economic; South Japan became extremely wealthy and prosperous.
  • Tokugawa Japan: Samurai became bureaucrats

    Social; Spurred growth in independent merchant class
  • Ming to Qing: Kangxi is declared as emperor that guided imperial expansion and maintained stability until his death.

    Politics; Maintained economic and political stability for China and defended it from any foreigners.
  • Ming to Qing: Qing forces attack the Russian wooden forts built by scouts on the Amur River’s northern bank.

    Politics; Prime motive was to ensure Russia would not ally with frontier peoples such as the Galdan’s Mongol state or else China could be conquered potentially
  • Ottoman Empire: Ottomans defeated in the Battle of Vienna

    Politics; This decreased the Ottoman Empire's power and wealth during the time period.
  • Ottoman Empire: Failed attempt at conquering Venice

    Economics; As they tried to conquer venice and failed. This caused for periods of unrest.
  • Period: to

    Ottoman Empire: War between Europe and the Ottoman Empire

    Politics and economics; This changed many aspects to the Ottoman Empire as almost all money went to an army and many areas were destroyed.
  • Ming to Qing: The Qing and Russians negotiated the Treaty of Nerchinsk, using Jesuit missionaries as interpreters.

    Political/Social; Both powers brought peace to one another, using Jesuit missionaries which shows how China had some sort of Christian influence.
  • Ming to Qing: Kangxi brings Inner Mongolia under Qing control.

    Politics; Takes down a rival in order to have more power and extract resources to assert more power in Asia
  • Safavid Empire: Sultan Husayn begins

    Politics; This was a turning point because Husayn saw the downfall of the Empire
  • Tokugawa Japan: Wealthy industrial families became influencial

    Social, economic; Led to modernization and development of heavy industry
  • Choson Korea: Yeongjo controlled Tangyeon

    Politics; Balanced and equalized both factions
  • Period: to

    Russia: Great Northern War

    Politics; This victory forced the European powers to recognize Russia as a major power for the first time.
  • Tokugawa Japan: 47 ronin incident

    Economic; Led to Japan's motive from a military society to a civil society.
  • Mughal Empire: Shah Alam succeeds as emperor

    Politics; Aurangzeb's son, Shah Alam, succeeds him and tries to undue the disastrous policies of his father, but it is too little, too late. The empire descends into chaos and violent feuds after his death and starts to break up.
  • St.Petersburg becomes Russia’s capital

    Political/Social; Places a west window for Russia to interact with the rest of Europe.
  • Russia: Peter the Great reduces traditional roles of the boyars in government and the army.

    Political/Religious; Brought the Russian Orthodox Church more firmly under state control.
  • Tokugawa Japan: Reversal of fortunes between inner and outer lords

    Economic; The outer lords grew economically because they became more wealthy
  • Safavid Empire: Afghans captured Isfahan under Safavid rule

    Politics; Iran could be different today if the Safavid Empire didn't end when it did.
  • Russia: Peter introduced the Table of Ranks, which granted privileges of nobility based on state service.

    Political/Social; Developed a form of a social hierarchy where nobles must maintain their status based on services from the state. Benefited Russia in having more tasks completed.
  • Tokugawa Japan: Changes in Ria

    Social; Samurai and regional lords became dependent on willingness of merchants to give them credit
  • Tokugawa Japan: Tokugawa shogans created confucian views

    Religious and social; Led to a belief that merchants should be a low social class which is different than most other social hierarchies around the world.
  • Safavid Empire: Abbas III becomes king

    Politics; This was a turning point because Abbas III was the king when the Empire ended which may have been caused by his leadership.
  • Tokugawa Japan: Decentralized government stimulated a poor economic system

    Economics; Caused economy to grow faster than population
  • Russia: Catherine the Great became empress

    Political, social; This changed the government throughout Russia as well as the social aspect of having a woman leader. This changed gender roles throughout Russia.
  • Ming to Qing: Qianlong emperor refuses to alter the Canton trading system and open new ports of trade for the British and most of Europe.

    Social/Economic; Grants China more power from extracting resources from trading ports themselves as well as cutting off economic interactions with European countries, primarily Britain.
  • Choson Korea: King Sunjo took throne with Jeongjo's death

    Politics; Led to persecution of Catholics in Korea