Cheyenne goes blind
Griffin stole Cheyenne's step moms car
Griffin stole the car and Cheyenne was in it
Chapter 1 -
Cheyenne went to the store with Danielle
Chapter 1 -
Griffin found out that Cheyenne was blind and tricks her into thinking that he is holding a gun to her head when it is really a lighter
Chapter 3 -
Griffin takes her back to his house because he doesn't know what to do with her
Chapter 5 -
Cheyennne escapes from Griffins house
Chapter 25 -
Griffin catches her and when he get close he breaks his ankle
Chapter 27 -
Griffin was trying to help Cheyenne escape
Chapter 27 -
Griffin lies to Jimbo and TJ saying that he never caught up to Cheyenne
Chapter 28 -
Then TJ shot and killed Jimbo
Chapter 28