Brownsea Island camp
Lord Baden-Powell took boys to Brownsea Island for a camp to try out his ideas in his book" Scouting for Boys" activities included observation,woodcraft, chilvary, lifesaving and patriotism -
Crystal Palace Rally
Girls attended the rally , often with their brothers and told Baden-Powell that they were Girl Scouts. He asked his sister, Agnes Baden-Powell to organise a similiar program and organisation for the girls -
Girl Guides were formed
Agnes Baden-Powell formed the Girl Guide Association. By April of that year 6000 girls were registered. -
Girl Guides established in Tasmania
Lady Barron, wife of the governor, establised girl guides in Tasmania -
Handbook For Girl Guides Published
The handbook followed up brochures that had been sent out to the Girl Guides. The title of the handbook was " Handbook for the Girl GUides:How girls can help build the Empire> -
Olave Baden Powell installed as World Chief guide
The association created this new position and voted for Olave Baden-Powell to fill it. Agnes Baden-Powell reluctantly took in he role of President -
Girl Peace scouts
Girl Peace scouts operated in Tasmania. -
Presidency given to Princess Mary
Under pressure from a number of people, Agnes resigned as President so that the position could be filled by Princess Mary who was a supporter of Girl Guides -
Brownies established
Brownies were established for girls 7-10 so that they could be part of the Guiding movement. -
Meeting held in New South Wales about Guiding
Dame Margaret Davidson, wife of the Governor of NSW, called a special meeting of prominent women in Sydney, to try to interest them in starting the Guide Movement in this State. They decided guiding was not for them. -
Guiding starts in NSW
23 young women made their Promise at Government House and Dame Margaret (Lady Davidson) was appointed first State Commissioner -
Girl Guides of Australia formed
The first meeting of Girl Guides Australia was held in Melbourne. By this time , all states had Girl Guide groups -
Brownies start in Kiama
A article in the local newspaper announces a meeting to be held for thosse interested in forming a Brownie unit in Kiama -
Girl Peace Scouts join Guides
Girl Peace scouts formally cease to exist and become part of Girl Guides -
Trefoil guild established
Trefoil Guilds were established for older or retired leaders as a support for Guide units and for social interaction with ladies of with common guiding background or interest. -
Gumnut Guides Commenced
Gumnut Guides was introduced for girls from 5 years old to be involved in Guides. -
All youth members called Guides
Until this time, youth members were known by the age group than they belonged to eg Brownies, Rangers or Guides. From this time on, they were called Guides and identified as Junior Guides, Guides and Senior Guides. -
Kiama Flametree Guide Unit is Opened
Kiama Flametree Guide unit was opeened offering Guiding to girls 10-14 in the Kiama area. The unit started with one Qualified Leader, one prosective leader and 8 girl guides. -
State Board fromed
The inaugural meeting of the General Council, the State’s Guiding Board, was held.