Gilded Age

By Seeheh
  • Homestead Act

    This act was a way for the government to give around 160 acres of land to Americans at a cheap price.
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    Continental Railroad

    The construction of the continental railroad was a phenominal task that required the construction of a railroad though the mountains and later after it was completed opened the market to the whole of the US.
  • Black Friday Gold Scandal

    The short selling scandal that was implemented by Gould and Frisk in order to gain massive amounts of profit buy buying all the gold and then selling it at the last second.
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Worked to implement Congressional Reconstruction and to remove the ramaints of slavery.
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    Cleveland Massacre

    During a six week span in February and March of 1872 Standard Oil acquired 22 of 26 rival refineries at highly discounted rates.
  • Freedman Savings Collapse

    Freedman savings was a massive bank that held hundreds of millions, but because of mismanagement and fraud, the bank eventually collapsed and with it over 60,000 people's money.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    This act was passed in order to prevent those of chinese heritage to work, as they were paid less while working harder than the other american workers. This act prevented or extreamly restricted the immagration of the chinese.
  • Statue of Liberty

    The day that the US was gifted the Statue of Liberty by France to be put on Liberty Island in order to great the incoming immagrants
  • Great Railroad Strike of 1887

    More than 100,000 workers participated. It caused more than half of the freight trains on the tracks to come to a halt. By the time the strike was dispersed, more than 1,000 had gone to jail and some 100 had been killed. The strike didn´t accomplish what the workers were hoping for.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Authorized the federal government to institute proceedings against trusts in order to dissolve them.