Gilded Age and Progressivism

  • Immigrants

    4 million immigrants began to flow into the Industrial cities of New England.
  • Second Industrial Revolution

    Natural resources like coal,oil,and iron. Immigration steadily flows in both Asia and Europe. Rail Roads send people to the west and bring them to factories. New Business culture supported by Laissez-faire.
  • The Phonograph

    The phonograph is like a radio that's played by a disc. The disc stores a replica of sound waves of the the music.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    They restricted Chinese Immigration for ten years, but students,teachers,merchants,tourists, and Government officials.
  • The Motion Picture Camera

    It a Invention that was created to take strips of pictures and moving objects to create a strip of film.
  • Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt

    Theodore became President after the assassination of President William McKinley and began to make improvements.
  • Anthracite Coal Mine Strike

    150,000 miners walked off their jobs demanding higher pay.shorter work days,and official recognition of their labor union. Roosevelt threaten to send in armed troops and both sides reach an agreement.
  • Protecting the Enviroment

    John Muir persuaded Roosevelt to set aside 148 million acres of forest reserves. They soon established national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.
  • Creating Economic Reform

    The Meat Inspection Act was a strict cleanliness requirement in the meatpacking industry. Pure Food & Drug Act halted the sale of contaminated foods or medicine.
  • Journey to US

    immigrants to prove no conviction of a felony,ability to work,have at least 25$. They have to take a physical exam because people with a disease or disability would be detained for further examination,could not enter if they had a incurable disease,Letters were placed on people after the initial exam. The mental exam was to determine if immigrants could read,write or speak and not have a mental disability.
  • Immigration Restrictions

    Many people resented these immigrants and formed groups to attack them or stop the flow into the country. Anti-immigrant party directed primarily at reducing the influence of Catholics.
  • Acts of Wilson

    He made a Federal Reserve Act that made credit more available all around the country by creating a national bank system.
  • Federal Trade Commission Act

    Charged with investigating unfair business monopolistic activity and inaccurate product labeling.
  • Women's suffrage

    The women wanted their right to vote. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were both the most prominent women during the movement. The right to vote was extended by one vote pass.
  • Fair Labor Act

    They established a 44-hour work week,minimum wage,overtime pay,child labor illegal under 16,workers permit under 18.