Thegildedage 2800x1576

Gilded Age

  • Carnegie imitates Bessemer Steel

    After visiting Henry Bessemer's steel plant England, and returns to America with the intent to expand his steel business.
  • Invention of barbed wire

    Joseph Glidden invents barbed wire. The invention of barbed wire contributed to the start of urbanization along with the start of the gilded age.
  • Great Railroad Strike

    Railroad workers strike to protest wage cut, violence erupts for over a week, federal troops are called in to strike down riots, and 50,000 miles of track were stopped for over a week
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Targeted Chinese immigrants and prevented them from entering the country and living like normal Americans.
  • Haymarket riot

    Socialist and anarchist speakers protested against police brutality, the riot ends in 7 police officers dead, and 8 convicted, and labor unions are seen as violent and viewed as radical.
  • Hull House

    A house established in 1889 by Jane Addams. It was the most famous and successful settlement house located in Chicago.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act of

    A law outlawing a combination of companies that restrained interstate trade or commerce.
  • Homestead Strike

    Workers strike against Carnegie Steel. Carnegie calls a assassin group "Pinkerton". Showed the public that the largest companies and monopolies are not exempt from striking.
  • Pullman Strike

    3000 of 5800 workers have wages cut 25-50% without cutting the cost of employee housing. Workers had $6 a week after paying rent. Strike will expand over 27 states and include an estimated 250,000 workers. 35+ people killed, 57 wounded, $80 million + in property damage
  • William McKinley elected President

    William McKinley is elected president of the United States, receiving 7 million popular votes