Horance Mann Pioneered K-12 Education
First True Intelligence Test
Binet and Simon, fcreated first true intelligence test. -
Intelligence Testing for children
Lewis M. Terman in 1916 to revise the French version,
improve it and adapt it for testing children. Terman is considered the father of gifted, as he pioneered the movement -
Hollingworth began finding bright students and educating them
Hollingworth found very bright children in order to further their education, unlike Turnman who found bright students to see if they had disorders. -
Brown Vs. Board of Education
Brown vs. the Board of Education ends “separate but equal education.” - See more at: http://www.nagc.org/resources-publications/resources/gifted-education-us/brief-history-gifted-and-talented-education#sthash.yBfbLlQ4.dpuf -
NDEA passes
The National Defense Education Act passes. This is the first large-scale effort in gifted education by the federal government -
Julian Stanely embarks on discovery of advanced courses for gifted learners
Gardner’s (1993) multiple intelligence
Gardner’s (1993) multiple intelligence theory
(MI) also provides a broader conception of intelligence and