Gifted Education

  • Stanford-Binet Tests Published in America

    Stanford-Binet Tests Published in America
    Lewis Terman publishes the Stanford-Binet tests in America. These were first developed in France to help identify children of inferior intelligencs. Terman is credited for making these tests available in America, forever changing education in the U.S.
  • Terman's Study

    Terman's Study
    Lewis Terman begins his study of gifted children. This study has rmained the longest running study with a sample of some 15,000 children.
  • First Gifted Class in NYC

    First Gifted Class in NYC
    Leta Hollingworth, an early Amercian psychologist starts the Special Opportunity Class in NYC. THis is one of the first classes specifically for gifted students. Many articles, books andr esearch have been accredited to this class.
  • Genetic Studies of Genius

    Genetic Studies of Genius
    Lewis Terman publsihed "Genetic Studies of Genius". This study found that gifted students were different in school, better physically and emotinally than typical students, superior academically, emotionally stable, and most successful when they were from a family that valued education.
  • Space Exploration

    Space Exploration
    The Soviet Union's advances in space exploration causes the U.S. to reevaluate its education system, especially in the areas of math and science. Money was then more readily available for the "brightest students.
  • America's Neglect of Talented Youth

    America's Neglect of Talented Youth
    The United States Department of Education publishes the "National Excellence: The Case for Developing America's Talent". This report outlined how America neglects its most talented youth. The report offered ideas and recommendations for educating the gifted.