Jan 1, 1460
Ethnic Groups of Ghana settle in their curretn locations
Period: Jan 1, 1460 to
Jan 1, 1471
First European contact whith Ghana
Jan 1, 1482
Portuguese set up trade settlement.
Rise of European contact in Ghana/ rise of the Asante Empire
Consolidation of the Asante Empire
Start of the Asante War between them and the British
Last Asante invasion of the coast.
Britain establishes the Gold Coast Colony/ cocoa is introduced to Ghana
Britain proclaims Ghana a protectorate.
United Gold Goast Convention formed
Kwame Nkumrah leads the Convention People's Party
New Constitution leads to genreal elections in Ghana.
CPP wins two thirds of the vote
Ghana becomes independent
Ghana becomes a republic, shortly followed by a military coup.
Fourth republic of Ghana is created
Presidentisal and Parliamentary elections occur for the first time.