
  • Womens suffrage movement

    In america women were looked down upon and men did not think they were fit to do things like vote. women had enough and started to protest until 1898 tgey gained te right to vote along with alot more rights.(
  • gandhi's birth

    in 1869 oct. 2nd mahatma gandhi was born in a small village\community in india. his father was karamchand and mother was putlibai. his father was a chief minister in the city of Porbanadar.(
  • Begining

    a few years after Gandhi's father passed away, he headed off to study law in England and passes the bar exam. Gandhi fails as a lawyer and accepts a commission in Africa, advising on a law suit.
  • Reunited

    Gandhi returns to india and opend a law practice but fails. he takes his wife and kids and then return to africa and are together again.(
  • Boer war

    Outbreak of Boer War (1899-1901) in South Africa. Gandhi organizes an ambulance corps for the British. and is very helpful. resulting in the british winning.(
  • Brittish Power

    The Boer Republic Transvaal, now under the control of the British, attempts to register all Indians as members; Gandhi and others refuse to register. Their resistance efforts mark the first use of nonviolent non-cooperation by the Indian minority in South Africa, soon calledsatyagraha, or soul-force.(
  • Begining of rebellion

    Gandhi is arrested several times for causing many people to go against the new british laws(
  • First model T

    at the time automobiles were expensive and hard to make which gave henry ford an idea to make the first ever model T which was also the first car to be mass produced and which made it affordable to most people not just the rich.(
  • First Achievement

    Gandhi travels to London, pushing for rights of South African Indians. The Transvaal registration law is repealed.
  • Gandhis role

    Indians in Natal and Transvaal, under Gandhi's leadership, march peacefully in protest of a racist poll tax and marriage laws. The marches continue through the winter.
  • World War I

    world war 1 was a war among many nations like america russia england, against germany austria-hungary and turkey(
  • salt march

    Gandhi warns the Viceroy of his intention to break the Salt Laws. Gandhi leads his Salt March to the sea.Gandhi is arrested for violating the Salt Laws; non-cooperation movements break out across India.
  • Hitler rises to power

    In 1933 Adolf hitler rises to power in germany and one of his main goals was to make germany a super power country like america which leads to wwII(
  • imprissonment

    Congress leaders are arrested; Gandhi is imprisoned in the Aga Khan's palace. Gandhi fasts while imprisoned, to protest British rule. gandhi is releasde in may 1944.(
  • World War II

    the second world war was caused by german leader adolf hitler whom tried to siege many countries and massacre many jews(
  • indian idependance

    Indian independence becomes official, as does the partition into two countries, India and Pakistan. and india turns to chaos which results in gandhi's death by assasination later in 1948.(