Ghana, Mali, and Songhai- Western African Empires: By Pranav Chundi

  • 300

    beginning of Ghana

    beginning of Ghana
    Among the earliest people in West Africa were the Soninke. After 300 AD, the Soninke beg began to band together for protection against nomadic herders. The banding made Ghana.
  • Period: 300 to Jan 1, 1200

    Ghana empire: 300 AD- 1200s

  • Jan 1, 800

    Ghana's rise

    Ghana's rise
    Ghana was rich, with natural resources like gold. By 800 AD Ghana was firmly in control of West Africa's trade routes. Nearly all trade between northern and southern Africa passed thorough Ghana. The Army kept the routes safe, and Ghana's wealth skyrocketed. Moreover, the empire expanded conquering other neighbor for the best trade routes.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Fall of Ghana

    Fall of Ghana
    Ghana fell for 3 reasons. They were invaded by a group of North African Muslims called Almoravid. They took over Ghana however fell quickly. Still this made a gaping wound since the took away many trade routes, and with out trade there was no Ghana Empire. Also, the Almoravid brought herds of animals with them. They ate all the grass in many pastures leaving the soil exposed to get spoiled. The last factor was an internal rebellion that started against Ghana.
  • Jan 1, 1230

    Beginning of Mali

    Beginning of Mali
    Mali was an empire located near the Niger river. it was rich, and fertile. In 1230 AD the people of Mali took to opportunity to conquer Ghana since it was week, and had lost a lot of money.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1230 to Jan 1, 1500

    Mali Empire: 1230 AD- 1500 AD

  • Jan 1, 1300

    The richest man on earth: The height of the Mali empire.

    The richest man on earth: The height of the Mali empire.
    Mali reached it's height during Mansa Musa. During his rule he added many trade routes, and built mosques, and sent scholars to study. He became were rich in the process. What he was most famous for was going to Mecca on a pilgrimage taking tons of gold, and people. He gave out gift, and gold to the rich, and the poor. He gave out so much that he caused the economy to collapse in Egypt, and Mecca, and other cities.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Songhai Begins

    Songhai Begins
    The people of Songhai revolted against the falling empire of Mali. They were wealthy, and have lots of natural resources. The leaders were Muslim so they created a strong relation with northern African traders who were also Muslim.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    The Songhai Empire: 1400- 1600

  • Jan 1, 1500

    Mali's fall.

    Mali's fall.
    When Mansa Musa died, his son Maghan took the throne. Maghan was a weak ruler. When raiders from the southeast poured into Mali, he couldn’t stop them. Mali never recovered from this, and began to decline in power. Then nomads from the Sahara invaded taking over Timbuktu. by 1500 all land of the empire was lost except for a small portion.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Songhai height

    Songhai height
    The empire reached there height under the ruler Askia The Great. Askia supported education and learn-ing. Under his rule, Timbuktu flourished, drawing thousands to its universities, schools, libraries, and mosques.
  • Fall of the Songhai Empire

    Fall of the Songhai Empire
    A norther empire Morocco wanted to gain control of salt mines. So, the went for the heart of the Songhai empire. The swords, spears, and bows used by Songhai’s warriors were no match for the Moroccans’ guns and cannons. The invaders destroyed Timbuktu and Gao.