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Getting to know Robespierre

  • Maximilien Robespierre was born

    Maximilien Robespierre was born
    On May 6, 1758, Maximilien Robespierre was born in Arras, France. The picture you see is his birth chart.
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    Getting to know Robespierre

    Robespierre was the one to lead the reign of terror. He was a leader of the Jacobins. He then took control after King Louis was executed.
  • Robespierres education

    Robespierres education
    Robespierre became a lawyer when he was 30. He then became deputy to the Estates-General
  • Mountain Party

    Mountain Party
    In 1792 Robespierre was chosen leader of the Mountain part. The Mountain Party was national conventions most radical group.
  • Reign Of Terror Began

    Reign Of Terror Began
    Robespierre tries to over throw Girondists. There were many riots in Paris. He was starting to gain control of the Revolution
  • Robespierre Gained control

    Robespierre Gained control
    Once King Louis died Robespierre gradually gained power. He changed the calendar to 12 months and 30 days in each month. Calendars had no sunday's because some thought they were dangerous. He closed all churches in Paris.
  • Committee of Public Safety

    Committee of Public Safety
    Robespierre became the leader of the Committee of Safety. There job was to protect themselves from there enemies. Many died because of this. Robespierre saw a connection between virtue and fear.
  • King Louis death

    King Louis death
    Robespiere sent King Louis to the Guillotine and Robespierre took full control.
  • Guillotine

    The guillotine was what the Committee of Public Safety used to kill there enemies. The guillotine was a tool that had a sharp knife at the top and when you let go of the room the knife went down and cut the persons head off. Many died due to the Guillotine.
  • Robespierres death

    Robespierres death
    The National Convention started to worry about there members safety so they all turned on Robespierre and he was sent to the Guillotine and died.