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Germany Timeline

  • Nov 6, 1348

    The Black Death ravages Europe.

    The Black Death ravages Europe.
    An estimated one third of the population is thought to have perished within the first year
  • Frederick crowned the first king of Prussia

    Frederick crowned the first king of Prussia
    Click here for videoFrederick crowned himself King Frederick I.
  • Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo.

    Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo.
    Germany defeats napolean at the battle of waterloo.
  • Germany was declared a republic

    Germany was declared a republic
    After a long time Germany finally got declared a republic.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor

    Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor
    Click for videoHindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as the chancellor and Nazi Germany begin persecuting Jews.
  • Nazi Germany begins persecuting Jews

    Nazi Germany begins persecuting Jews
    Click for videoNazi Germany began killing and hunting down jews.
  • Germany starts WW2

    Germany starts WW2
    Germany invades Poland starting World War 2
  • The Berlin Wall was built.

    The Berlin Wall was built.
    Click for videoA wall was built seperating east and west germany by the communists.
  • East and West Germany reunited.

    East and West Germany reunited.
    Click here for videoTHe berlin wall was broken down and Germany became a whole again.
  • Wilhelm I was crowned the first Kaiser of the German Empire.

    Wilhelm I was crowned the first Kaiser of the German Empire.
    Wilhelm I united all of the German states.