German Unification

  • House of Krupp

    House of Krupp
    The Krupp family is a 400-ywar old German dynasty originating from Essen. They are well-known for their steel production and manufacturing of weapons. They were famous for their brutal slave labor during Wolrd War II and made many weapons for the war.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    Napoleon invaded russia in attempt to engage and conquer the Russian Army. Ultimately the Russians won. The French sustained many casualties due to the weather as well.
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    Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was a congregation of Europeon ambassadors. It occured after the defeat of Napoleon. It resulted in the drawing of new borders for countries so histery would not be repeated.
  • Otto Von Bismarck

    Otto Von Bismarck
    The birth of Otto Von Bismarck brought to the world, one of the most influential people. He was born in Schönhausen Germany.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    Occured inthe Netherlands or present day Belgium. It resulted in Napoleons defeat and capture. He was soon exiled.
  • Zollverein

    The Zollverein was a German Customs Union. It was formed to manage toriffs and economic policies.
  • Frederick William IV is offered the throne

    Frederick William IV is offered the throne
    He rejected the offer from the Frankfurt parliment. This was because "it was not in the parliments gift."
  • Frankfurt Assembly

    Frankfurt Assembly
    Frankfurt was the first elected parliment for allof Germany. It was held in the Paulskirche at Frankfurt am Main.
  • Blood and Iron Speech

    Blood and Iron Speech
    Bismarck gave a speech about unification of the German territory. "The great question of the day will not be settled by the means of speeches and majority decisions, but by iron and blood."
  • Bismarck declare war on Denmark

    Bismarck declare war on Denmark
    The King of Denmarck died which created issues and complications. Bismarck used this to his advantage.
  • Bismarck declares war on Austria

    Bismarck declares war on Austria
    This is also known as the 'seven weeks' war. Prussia won the war which resulted in the exclusion of Austria from Germany
  • Ems Dispatch

    Ems Dispatch
    After the Spanish Queen abdicated her throne it was a Prussian Prince set to replace her. France who did not want to be surrounded by Prussian influence asked that this wouldn't happen. Bismarck made an origionally diplomatic response insulting which resulted in war.
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    Franco- Prussian War

    The Franco- Prussian war was a result of the Ems Dispatch. The result was the suthern Germanic States uniting with the northern.
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    Population Growth

    At this time the population greatly increased suddenly. This was an effect of a decresaing death rate.
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    Economic Growth

    During this time economies was growing at a rapid pace. This was due to industrializetion and benefitted many societies.
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    Campaign against Church

    Bismarck distrusted the clergy because he believed they would support the Pope before him. He tried to turn the people against the Church but it backfired. Bismarck reduced the role and power of the Roman Catholic Church from 1871-1878. During this time, priests and bishops who refused were arrested or removed.
  • Germany is created

    Germany is created
    After the Franco-Prussian victory, Bismarck proclaimed Germany in the Hall of Mirrors. It was Germany's revenge for the humiliations from Louis XIV and Napoleon I
  • Bismarck becomes chancellor

    Bismarck becomes chancellor
    Bismarck was the first chancellor. He was one of the most influential leaders of the century and unified Germany.
  • German Constitution drafted by Bismarck

    German Constitution drafted by Bismarck
    It was essentially written by Bismarck, the Prussian minister-president and first Bondeskanzler of the confederation. According to the constitutio, the first priority of the confederation was the federal council.
  • William I becomes Kaiser

    William I becomes Kaiser
    Also known as Wilhelm II. He ruled the German Empire and Kingdom of Prussia from June 15 1888 to November 9 1918.
  • Bismarck Resigns

    Bismarck Resigns
    Wilhelm II, the german emperor, opposed Bismarcks foreign policy. This resulted in him resigning.
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    Campaign against Socialists

    Bismarck also distrusted the socialst party. He did not trust less wealthy to also Govern and get paid equally. This campeign also backfired.