German Confederation
The German Confederation was created under the presidency of Austria. Austria and Prussia were the biggest powers in Europe, but Austria was most important. A strong popular movement was started for unification but shot down by both Prussia and Austria. -
The Zollverein removed the inter-state trade barriers. This economic agreement helped increase the push towards German Unification. The Zollverein made it possible for travel between states to take only hours. This made Germany a industrial power of Europe during this time period. -
German Emperor Refusal
The King of Prussia refused to accept the title of German Emperor, thus failing an attempt to unify Germany. Most German citizens wanted a loose confederation under a dominant power such as Austria. -
Otto Von Bismarck
Otto Von Bismarck was appointed Ministed President of Prussia as a result of a political crisis in Prussia. His main objective was to put Prussia in control of Germany, not Austria. -
Austria and Prussia led an invasion in the provinces of Schleswig and Holstein, which led to the end of the Danish control of these provinces. This was supported by the majority of Germans who wanted these provinces to be under strict German control. -
Seven Weeks War
Austria declared war on Prussia, and was quickly defeated. The Treaty of Prague dissolved the German Confederation. Prussia created the North German Confederation for all states North of the Main River. -
Franco-Prussian War
Napoleon III declared war on Prussia. The war ended with Prussia capturing Paris. The southern German states were then incorporated into the North German Confederation in the Treaty of Frankfurt. Otto Von Bismarck declared King Wilhelm I as the new leader of the unified Germany.