German Unification

By dineenm
  • Period: to

    Napoleon Invades German Lands

    This conquering led to important territorial changes in Germany. He added the land around the Rhine river to France. Some Germans welcomed the Napoleonas emperor, but as Napoleon continued to conquer, he sparked German nationalism.
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    Congress of Vienna

    THe congress of Vienna was a meeting of the poeple of Europe. THier main goal was to have peace between all their contries. They also worked to gether to try to solve problem Napoleon had caused in his conquering.
  • The birth of Otto Von Bismark

    The birth of Otto Von Bismark
    Otto Von Bismarks father was Karl WIlliam Von Bismark, and his mother was Wihelmine wise Von Bismark. He was born on april fools day, which did not exist as a holidya at this time.
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    The zollverein was a union created by Prussia. IT was a tax on trade or tarrifs, between all German states except Austria. It made prices in Germany lower and more uniform. Though it was helpful for economic reasons, it did not bring public unity.
  • Frankfurt Assembly Demands Unity

    Frankfurt Assembly Demands Unity
    Thie was where liberals met to demand German political unity. They also debated if Germany should become a republic or monarchy.
  • Fredrick William IV is offered the Throne

    Fredrick William IV is offered the Throne
    Fredrick William was offered the throne of Prussia. He regected it becuase it came from the desionions of the German people, not the royal pirnces.
  • Blood and Iron Speech

    Blood and Iron Speech
    This speech was given in regards to the unification of German territories. This quote and speech is what made Otto Von Bismark famous and respected.
  • Bismark becomes Prime Minister

    Bismark becomes Prime Minister
    King William made Otto Von Bismark prime minister of Prussia. Now Bismark had more control over military and political matters.
  • BIsmark becomes chancellor

    BIsmark becomes chancellor
    King William decids that chancellor is a better name than prime minister, and therefore Makes Otto Von Bismark the chancellor instead. In his defence, it does sound quite professional.
  • Bismark Declares War on Denmark

    Bismark Declares War on Denmark
    Otto Von Bismark decides to declare war to gain the territories of Schleswig-Holstein and add them to Prussasi territory.
  • Bismark Declares War on Austria

    Bismark Declares War on Austria
    Bismark had a extreamly strong desire to attack Austria and so he invents and excuse to do so. He declares war simply to gain more territory.
  • Franco Prussian War

    Franco Prussian War
    There was a growing rivarly between the two nations even before this war. It was the rivalry that led to the war of 1870.
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    Economic Development

    The actual span of time is longer becuase Germany was always striving for economic development. The german government promoted it becuase they were determined to maintain economic strength and military power.
  • Second Reich Is created

    Second Reich Is created
    Reich in german means realm, so in a sense this was the start of a new begeining for Germany. This was when they drafted thier constitusion.
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    Campaign Against the Church

    Kulturekampf is what the Germans called this partucular battle. In german it means culture war, which is what it was. Bismark did not want the church to have so much power or influence, and punished those who went against this law.
  • Constitution Drafted by Bismark

    Constitution Drafted by Bismark
    The constition was important for the beginign of Germany, and included all of the states. Its main purpose was to set up a two house legislature for a government system.
  • William 1of Prussia becomes Emperor

    William 1of Prussia becomes Emperor
    William I became the first german emperor or Kaiser. Under his rule, German acheived unification and establishes an empire.
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    Population Growth

    Population growth can have many benifits. THye create more poeple to do jobs. This particular growth provided a huge home market and a highly skilled workforce.
  • House of Krupp

    House of Krupp
    It was not actually until after 1871 that this building was built. THe enourmous industrial complex produced steel and weapons for the worl market.
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    Campaign against the Socialists

    Otto Von Bismark feared a socalists uprising. The last thing he wanted was for his govrnment to be overthrown. To prevent this from happening he created laws and restrictions of the press, and arrested those whom he believed were going agianst his new conduct.
  • William II Becomes Kaiser

    William II Becomes Kaiser
    Kaiser is a German emperor, and William was alos the kind of Prussia. He was most known for his dislike for jionign wars, and for his great haapiness in his political power.
  • Bismark Resigns

    Bismark Resigns
    Bismarks reign came to an end eventually. In 1890 he resigned from being chancellor becuase he felt s sense of failure.