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Germ Theory History Timeline

  • 1546

    Theory of Contagion

    In 1546, Girolamo Fracastoro was looking at why the rabies is caused. He wrote: “Since, then, this contagion is not communicated by fomes, and is not produced in the skin by simple contact, but requires laceration of the skin, we must suppose that its germs are not very viscous, and that they are perhaps too thick to be able to establish themselves in pores”
  • Microscope Invention

    In 1590, Zaccharias Janssen and Hans Lipperhey create the first microscope by joining lens and tubes. They were dutch spectacle makers.
  • Micrographia

    Robert Hooke publishes a book that contains all his findings in form of drawings and descriptions. He found this through the newly invented microscope. The book was called Micrographia. He found this by looking at cork under the microscope, and he saw things that looked like boxes, so he called it cells.
  • Micrographia

    In this date, Robert Hooke publishes micrographia, a book with all what he found out about the organisms of a body. He was aided with the microscope. He found things that looked like boxes and he called them cells. This led on to the creation of the cell theory
  • Schwann and Schleiden

    Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden get together and create conclusions on cells.
  • Classical Cell Theory

    Theodor Schwann gathers the information from his conclusions a year ago and new research to propose three things.
    1. All organisms are made of cells
    2. Cells are the most basic forms of life
    3. Cells come from already existing cells
    His third finding inspired the cell statement by Rudolf Virchow.
  • Floris Nightangle

    In the war of Crimea, she made various theories inspired on what she saw when she was treating patients.
  • Cell statement

    Rudolf Virchow states that all cells come from cells
  • Modern Germ Theory

    Louis Pasteur proved that food spoiled because of invisible organisms, not spontaniously.
  • Pastuerization

    The emperor of France told Louis Pateur to study wine contamination. He proved this was due to microbes. This was a great step to create the germ theory.
  • Koch's Theory

    Robert koch concluded that a particular germ could cause a particular disease. With a microscope, Koch looked at the blood of cows and saw that what caused anthrax was little rod like shapes.
  • Bibliography

    “Cell Theory.” National Geographic Society,
    “Germ Theory.” Contagion - CURIOSity Digital Collections, 26 Mar. 2020,
    “History of the Microscope - Who Invented the Microscope?” MicroscopeMaster,
  • Bibliography

    “Louis Pasteur.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,
  • Bibliography

    Ullman, Agnes. “Louis Pasteur.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2022,