Columbus 3rd Voyage to the Americas (U.S)
*The colony of Georgia (G.A)
The colony of Georgia was established by James Oglethorpe and other Trustees from Britain. Named after King George II, it was the last of the thirteen colonies. The charter for establishing the colony was granted in 1732, but Oglethorpe and company did not settle in Savannah until 1733. This entry was included because it signals the beginning of Georgia and its history. -
Society of Freemansons (U.S)
Society of Freemasons opens 1st American lodge in Boston-On this day in 1733, 18 men gathered at the Bunch of Grapes Tavern on King Street in Boston and organized the first Masonic Lodge in North America. The fraternal society was based loosely on medieval stonemasons' guilds. Members pledged to be true to each other, to God, and to their king. -
*New Laws(G.A)
New laws were suggested to the English Parliament by the Trustees. The three new laws were the prohibition of slavery, the prohibition of rum, and trading laws for colonists when making deals with Native Americans. It is important to note that the laws were presented to the English parliament before they were enforced. The laws were imperative to Georgia history because they were exclusive to Georgia and colonies were practicing these things which became unlawful in Georgia -
*Bethesda Orphan House (G.A)
Upon his arrival in Savannah, Whitefield felt that an orphan house was one of the colony’s most pressing needs
Construction of the orphanage, whose name, Bethesda, means
.In 1900, the orphanage was redeveloped as the Bethesda Home for Boys, and later still, as a school, but the institution has continued in much of its original mission (the “orphan” part now excepted) for almost 300 years.- This event was included due to the impact that an orphan would do for the children of Georgia. -
*Bloody Marsh Battle (G.A)
On July 7, 1742, English and Spanish forces skirmished on St. Simons Island in an encounter later known as the Battle of Bloody Marsh. This event was the only Spanish attempt to invade Georgia during the War of Jenkins' Ear, and it resulted in a significant English victory. -
Faneuil Hall Hosts- Its 1st Tow Meeting (U.S)
*Georgia Gazette (G.A)
Georgia Gazette began publication as the first newspaper in Georgia and the eight English Colonies. - This event was included because this was a way to have communication and adapt to the times that were changing. -
First Continental Congress (U.S)
Revolutionary War Begins (U.S)
*Georgia supports BAN on English goods (G.A)
Georgia began to ban trading with England in 1775. During the Second Provincial Congress meeting in Savannah in 1775, Georgia decided to accept the Second Continental Congress and the Association's banishment of trading with England. Georgia joined the rest of colonies who were no longer trading with England. This was important event since there was a divide with Georgia colonists on whether would remain loyal to England or join the other colonies during their fight for independence. -
Declaration of Independence (U.S)
Common Sense (U.S)
*University of Georgia (G.A)
The university was actually established in 1801 when a committee of the board of trustees selected a land site. John Milledge, later a governor of the state, purchased and gave to the board of trustees the chosen tract of 633 acres on the banks of the Oconee River in northeast Georgia.
When the University of Georgia was incorporated by an act of the General Assembly on January 27, 1785, Georgia became the first state to charter a state -
Fugitive Slave Act (U.S)
*The cotton gin (G.A.)
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin on the Georgia plantation of Catharine Green. His gin allowed for the seeds to be cleaned out of cotton more quickly, easily, and efficiently. I included this because its invention led to an increase in the need for slaves as cotton growing spread across the state, affecting Georgia's economy and position in the Civil War. -
*Yazoo Fraud (G.A)
The Yazoo land fraud was one of the most significant events in the post–Revolutionary War (1775-83) history of Georgia. The bizarre climax to a decade of frenzied speculation in the state's public lands, the Yazoo sale of 1795 did much to shape Georgia politics and to strain relations with the federal government for a generation. -
*Georgia Land Lottery (G.A)
The Georgia Land Lotteries were an early nineteenth century system of land redistribution in Georgia. Under this system, qualifying citizens could register for a chance to win lots of land that had formerly be occupied by the Creek Indians and the Cherokee Nation -
Expedition of Lewis and Clark (U.S)
First US Highway Built (U.S)
*Gold Rush- The Great Intrusion (G.A)
By late 1829, north Georgia, known at the time as the Cherokee Nation, was flooded by thousands of prospectors lusting for gold. Niles' Register reported in the spring of 1830 that four thousand miners were working along Yahoola Creek alone. While in his nineties, Benjamin Parks recalled the scene in the Atlanta Constitution (July 15, 1894) -
First U.S. Mint is Laid (U.S)
*Indian Removal Act. (G.A)
In 1830 Congress passed the Indian Removal Act, which authorized the president to negotiate removal treaties. ... Georgia, the Supreme Court declared that Georgia had violated the Cherokee Nation's sovereign status and wrongfully intruded into its special treaty relationship with the United States. -
Indian Removal Act (U.S)
Worcester V. Georgia (G.A)
Samuel Worcester, a missionary, defied Georgia through peaceful means to protest the state's handling of Cherokee lands. He was arrested several times as a result. With a team of lawyers, Worcester filed a lawsuit against the state that went all the way to the Supreme Court, where he finally won his case. -
*Railroads (G.A)
Georgia's first railroad tracks were laid in the mid-1830s on routes leading from Athens, Augusta, Macon, and Savannah The railroads continued to expand until the 1920s, when a long decline began that lasted into the 1990s. Today, the state's rail system is a strong, 5,000-mile network anchored by two major lines, Norfolk Southern and CSX, and a couple dozen shortlines. -
Wesleyn College (G.A)
Wesleyan College was chartered in 1836 as the first degree-granting women's college in the world, Wesleyan College is a private four year liberal arts college for women still located in Macon GA. This was added because it was a change for women to have an education level just as men -
Trail of Tears Begin (G.A)
The Trail of Tears began as the Cherokees who called the North Georgia mountains home were forced to relocate to what became Oklahoma. One-fifth of the population died along the way due to the harsh weather conditions. I added this to the timeline because with the removal of the Native Americans who resided there, white Georgians were able to portion off the land to other white settlers and inhabit that area freely. -
First Woman's Rights Convention Was Held (U.S)
Abraham Lincoln Elected as President (U.S)
*Civil War (G.A)
The Civil War began in 1861. It was a war between the southern and northern regions of the United States. There were several reasons why the Civil War began including the enslavement of African Americans. Georgia seceded from the Union in 1861 and would later join the Confederacy. This event was significant because it was one of the most important wars in US history and one of the few wars fought on US soil. -
Ku Klux Klan Became a Political Organization (U.S)
*Atlanta's Establishment (G.A)
The city of Atlanta was officially named and established in 1847. However, the city is not a newly established city since it was previously named Marthasville. Atlanta was and still is one of the most important cities in the South. The founding and establishment of Atlanta is important to Georgia history because it is the capital of the state and one of the most significant cities in the United States both economically and socially. -
Rush of Immigrants (U.S)
Atlanta Journal- Constitution
Few cities in America have a daily newspaper that has published continuously for more than 100 years. Until recently, Atlanta had two—the Atlanta Constitution, first published on June 16, 1868, and the Atlanta Journal, which debuted on February 24, 1883. The longtime rivals, which had been under common ownership since March 1950, merged on November 5, 2001, and are currently published daily under a joint masthead. -
*Coca-Cola Founded (G.A)
Coke was manufactured and originally marketed as a temperance drink. It was intended as a patent medicine, it was invented in the late 19th century by John Pemberton. In 1886, when Atlanta and Fulton County passed prohibition legislation, Pemberton responded by developing Coca-Cola, a nonalcoholic version of Pemberton's French Wine Coca.[14] It was marketed as "Coca-Cola: This was included because it help Georgia was jobs and brought -
The Panic of 1893( Gilded Age) (U.S)
*Massacre of Atlanta (G.A)
In September of 1906, a massacre broke out in Atlanta after newspaper reports of Black men allegedly assaulting white women. -
Jim Crow (G.A)
Triumvirate worked to curtail the political power of Black voters, as well as to formalize the convention of social segregation. This was added because it shows of segregation took some very hard turns before it was faced with the truth of what was really happening. -
World War 1 Begins (U.S)
*Ku Klux Klan (G.A)
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was reestablished in Stone Mountain, GA in 1915. The KKK is a white supremacist group that spreads hate and violence throughout the state of Georgia. After the reestablishment of the group, the KKK began to not only target African American but also Catholics, immigrants, Jews and labor groups. The reestablishment of the KKK was important because this hate group is still present today and continues to use violence throughout the state and country. -
*Ratification-19th Amendment (G.A)
Georgia was the first of 10 states to vote against ratification of the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote. -
The Boll Weevil (G.A)
The boll weevil greatly affected Georgia's long history of cotton production between 1915, when the insect was introduced to Georgia, and the early 1990s, when it was eliminated as an economic pest. ... The boll weevil's was added because it was decimation of the cotton industry in the South had implications for the entire region. -
Stone Mountain (G.A)
Covering more than 17,000 square feet of mountain and 40 feet deep in the crannies, the carving is reportedly the largest flat relief sculpture in the world. Looming over a popular public park like a stone-age billboard, it was conceived by Southern Confederate groups a century ago at the birthplace of the modern Ku Klux Klan and remains an icon for white supremacists. This was added to show how the South showed the Rebel memorial fights that is allowing eruption across the country. -
Franklin Roosevelt- Elected President (U.S)
Social Security (U.S)
World War 2 (U.S)
Pearl Harbor (U.S)
Lake Sinclair (G.A)
Lockerly Arboretum the 1950s the Georgia Power Company completed a dam at Furman Shoals, about five miles north of town, creating a huge reservoir called Lake Sinclair. The lake community became an increasingly important part of the town's social and economic identity. In the 1980s and 1990s Milledgeville began to capitalize on its heritage by revitalizing the downtown and historic district- This was huge for Georgia because it was a way for Power to come to smaller areas -
*Martin Luther King (G.A)
In 1957, Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil rights advocates formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in Atlanta. Dedicating themselves to the nonviolent attainment of equal rights for African Americans, the group was a significant contributor to the civil rights movement and continues to be active on social justice issues. -
*Civil Rights Movement (G.A)
The Civil Rights Movement is began throughout the state of Georgia in 1960. There several significant events throughout the Movement. For example, The University of Georgia and Georgia Tech allowed African American students to attend after the federal courts order the state of Georgia to enroll African American students into universities. The Civil Rights movement was important because it was a time that African Americans began to fight for their basic human rights. -
Civil Rights Movement (U.S)
*Assassination of MLK (G.A)
Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968. King was one of the most important members of the civil rights movement and was a native of Georgia. Throughout the state, riots break out. The riots were in the cities of Fort Valley, Macon, Savannah and Albany, Georgia. King was one of the most important figures in US history -
Robert Kennedy Assassination (U.S)
The Home Depot (G.A)
The Home Depot revolutionized the home-improvement industry by offering a wide selection of merchandise, low prices, and exemplary customer service to both the professional contractor and the do-it-yourself customer. Before the advent of Home Depot, small mom-and-pop stores, carrying a limited and specific selection of merchandise, dominated the industry and typically emphasized sales to the professional contractors. This was big for GA because it allows more work to come to areas -
Beirut barracks bombing (U.S)
Challenger Crash (U.S)
Tax Reform Act of 1986 Passed (U.S)
Bush Declares "War on Drugs" (U.S)
27th Amendment is Ratified (U.S)
*Georgia Lottery (G.A)
The Georgia Lottery, with proceeds to go to support education in Georgia, was officially launched. Georgia governor Zell Miller, who had campaigned on a promise to institute such a lottery, bought the first ticket.- This was included based on the help it brings to education -
*1996 Summer Olympic Games (G.A)
One of the greatest sporting events came to the state of Georgia, the Olympics were played in Atlanta, GA. Atlanta Summer Olympics brought revenue to the city and the state of Georgia. Thousands of international fans come to the state of Georgia. This was important for Atlanta since it made it known internationally and it brought economic developement to the state. -
*National Prisoner of War Museum (G.A)
Andersonville National Historic Site is the only park in the National Park System to serve as a memorial to all American prisoners of war. Congress stated in the authorizing legislation that this park's purpose is "to provide an understanding of the overall prisoner of war story of the Civil War, to interpret the role of prisoner of war camps in history, to commemorate the sacrifice of Americans who lost their lives in such camps, and to preserve the monuments located within the site." -
9/11 Terrorist Attack (U.S)
*Georgia's State Flag (Change)
A bill was signed to remake the state flag. The state flag of Georgia at the time was partially made with the Confederate flag. The flag was deemed racist by many since many believed that it still represented a time period where African Americans were enslaved and minorities were discriminated against. The debate and redesign was imperative in Georgia history.