Georgia History Timeline Project

  • Jan 1, 1000


    The Archaic people followed their food. They stayed yearly seasonal pattern settlement. The technology was more thinner pointed spears. These spears were to inflict damage to the animal. In the Archaic area the large animals became extinct. The time period was 8000BC to 1000BC
  • Jan 1, 1000


    The Paleo people were nomadic that followed their food source. These people date to 12,000 years ago. They used a clovis point to kill large animals. Some are Saber Tooth Tiger and Bison. The paleo people never really settled for too long. In the Paleo period there was no trade or religion.
  • Jan 1, 1000


    In the Woodland period lasted 1000B.C to 1000A.D. These indians experimented with farming. They formed tribes and villages. They also developed the bow and arrow and more advanced pottery. The woodland indians formed trade between other groups or tribes.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to


    The mississpean indians are the most advanced and first true civilization. They had chiefdom as social system of order. These indians had large villages and cities. They had contact with the europeans. They are the first to live off of agriculture.
  • Nov 1, 1540

    Hernando De Soto

    Hernando De Soto
    De Soto came to Georgia in search for gold and treasures. De Soto killed thousands of natives. And most of them died because of a dieseases. Hernando De Soto won the battle due to diesesases. The date he did this was November,1540.
  • Charter of 1732

    Charter of 1732
    The Charter of 1732 ArticleThe Charter was sighned by King George the Second. The Charter also made rules and laws. The Charter lays out rules and laws. The Charterset up Georgia as a Trustee colony. The new colony was named Geogia.
  • Georgia Founded

    Georgia Founded
    Georgia was founded on Febuary 12, 1733. James olglethorpe is the one who wanted to settle there. Mary Musgrove is the enterpreter who helped olglethorpe. The chief ,Tomochichi, granted Olgletorpe the admission to settle.
  • Salzburgers arrive

    Salzburgers arrive
    Salzburgers articleThe salzburgers were exiled because they were protestants.they arrived in Georgia March 12,1734. The reading states thet the Salzburgers were invited to Georgia to escape the Catholic Church. The Salzburgers reading also states that they formed New Ebenezer.
  • Highland Scots Arrive

    Highland Scots Arrive
    The Highland Scots arrived on January 10,1736 from Scot Land. The article states that the Highland Scots were recruited for defense for the colony. According to hte article the salzburgers were not afraid.
  • Period: to

    John Reynolds

    John Reynolds InformationAccording to the article John Reynolds, was the first Royal Governor. He turned Georgia from a trustee colony to a royal colony. He came with over powering. And the Charter vanished. The legislate and Reynolds had a conflict between. The king replaces Reynold.
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    Henry Ellis

    Hernry Ellis InformationHernry Ellis was the second royal governor. Herny Ellis is very popular. The population grows more. He became a better governor than Reynolds.
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    James Wright

    James Wright InformationJames Wright severd through 1760 to 1782. He is the third and last royal governor. He expanded Ellis policies. He also governed through the American Reveloution.When the American Reveloution finished the royal colony was no more.
  • Eli Whitney and the Cottton Gin

    Eli Whitney and the Cottton Gin
    Eli Whitney / Cotton GinEli Whitney invented the cottton gin. Whitney did'nt know this will change the world. With this invention led to slave population increasing expontionlly. And the Cotton Gin produced more cottton faster.
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    Yazoo Land Fraud

    The Yazoo land Fraud is cheap land sold to land companies. The legislators were bribed into selling. Then the Land lottery took over the selling of illegal land. And now you could win land in the lottery.
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    American Revolution

    The American Revolution lasted 8 years. The causes were battles and wars. The greater cause was taxes.
  • Elijah Clarke/ Kettle Creak

    Elijah Clarke/ Kettle Creak
    Elijah Clark informationElijah Clarke lived through Febuary 14,1779. He was a lieutenant. He Fought 700 loyalist and won. 740 military men cought up with Elijah and the Loyalist lost while the patriots won.
  • Austin Dabney

    Austin Dabney
    Austin Dabney fought during the American Revolution at Kettle Creek. He fought along side Elijah Clark for the Loyalist. This was during Febuary 14, 1779.
  • University of Georgia Founded

    University of Georgia Founded
    University of Georgia Founded InformationThe University of Georgia was incorperated in January 27,1785. It was the first state supported college or school, which means public. The General Assembly gives land for the college. The University was established befor e the city of Athens.
  • Capital Moved to Lousiville

    Capital Moved to Lousiville
    Capitsl moved tom louisville informationThe Capital of Lousiville was established in January 26,1786. The name is in honor of KIng Louis the XI. For helping in the American Reveloution. The legislature made the capital centrilized for the population.
  • Period: to

    Constitutional Convection

    The Constitutional Convection was on May 25, 1787. It was held because the Articles of Confederation were weak. The ones who signed was William Few and Abraham Baldwin.
  • Georgia Ratifies Constitution

    Georgia Ratifies Constitution
    On January 2, 1788 Georgia was the fourth state to ratify or approve the U.S. constitution. Georgia wanted to approve the Constitution. Georgia wanted federal help. Georgia used it to move the natives.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The MIssouri Compromise started in March 4, 1820. The Missouri Compromise was between the North and South. All northward as free slave states and south as slave states. This drew a line along the missouri boundary.
  • Daholnega Gold Rush

    Daholnega Gold Rush
    Daholnega Gold Rush infomationThe Settelers Discovery of Gold where the natives lived. The settelers then try to remove the natives. Then natives adopted a constitution that they are not going to move. And the natives take the settelers to court.
  • Worcester V. Georgia

    Worcester V. Georgia
    Worcester V. Georgia InformationThe natives take the settelers to court. John Ross acompanies the natives. The judge of the U.S court makes an offer to John Ross. To sign over the land. The natives then killed John Ross for signing over their land.
  • Henry McNeal Turner

  • Period: to

    Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears is a brutal and harsh event. The white settlers move the natives more and more west. Until they came up with the Indian Removal Act to move the natives to OKLAOHMA.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Compromise of 1850 infomationIn September 1850 compromise came along. The debate was wether California was to become a free or slave state. It ended up as a free state to the north. And the south got a Fugitive Slave Act for runaway slaves.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    In Kansas the people were determining if it should be a slave state. The South favored the Act. The North did'nt favor the Act. Then Pro-slavery and Anti-slavery settlers were fighting. Kansas was then known as BLEEDING KANSAS.
  • Georgia Platform

    The Georgia platform was adopted by Georgia. This Act was to avert a national crisis. Slavery was the main crisis at that point.
  • Deed Scott case

    Deed Scott case
    The Dred Scott Case took place in March 6, 1857. Dred Scott (a slave) sued his owner. They moved to the north (which is a free state) to Missouri. The court judge said he was property and not a citizen. Dred could be taken anywhere but his still a slave.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Election of 1860 InformationIn 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected as President. Abraham proposal to keep slavery where it is and stop it from spreading. The Southerners upset and mad because they can be out number. Georgia began to debate breaking away.
  • Freedman's Burea

    Freedman's Burea
    Freedman's Burea happened after the Civil War. Former slaves were called freedmen. The freedman helped former slaves. The burea educated, gave food, and shelter to the former slaves.
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    emancipation proclamation

    Abraham lincoln came up with the Emancipation Proclamation. It was like an Act. It declared all slaves free. It stated that if the south kept firing, all the slaves they had would be free.
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    Sherman's Atlanta Campaign

    When Sherman regrouped with his men, he began the Atlanta Campaign. He was able to cap[ture and encircled Atlanta. He burned Atlanta to the ground.
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    Andersonville Prison Camp

    It held prisoners of war. It killed 18000 union soliders. The conditions of Andersonville was the result in 18000 union soliders killed.
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    Union blockade of Georgia

    Sherman got to Savanah and took advantage. He put a Union Blockade. It prevented supplies from leaving and entering. That prevented from supplies to the south.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The battle of Antietam was a one day battle. This happened at aharpsburg. This battle was know as the bloodiest one day battle. This battle ended at a draw.
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    Battle of Gettysburg

    The battle of Gettysburg started july 1, 1863. It was the most devastating battle from the Civil War. It was also called the turing piont in the war. After Abraham gave his gettysburg Adress.
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    Battle of Chickamauga

    The battle was fought in Georgia. Sherman was trying to take control of Chickamauga. He took control because he wanted access to the rail roads.
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    Sherman's March to Sea

    Sherman's march started in Atlanta. In November 15, 1864 the march started. Sherman wanted to prove that he and his army could march to the Atlanta ocean.
  • Thirteenth Admendment

    The thirteenth admendment declared that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude. The thirteenth admendment was passed January 31, 1865. It was ratifede by the states in December 6, 1865.
  • Fourteenth Admendment

    Fourteenth Admendment
    The Fourteenth Admendment was in july 9, 1868. It was a reconstruction admendment. This admendment declared that citizens had rights and equal protection of the Laws.
  • Leo Frank Case

    Leo Frank Case
    Leo Frank case InformationOn the day Mr. Frank was accused of killing little Mary Phagan. Also another pearson was acting guilty. Mr. Franks last of seeing Mary Phagan. The court said 'we can accuse a black, but when do we have a chance to accuse a jew". The court then accused him as guilty and sentenced him to life in prison. Then the night after he was taken to another prison a mob kidnapped him and lynched leo Frank.
  • Jim Carter in gerorgia

    Jim Carter in gerorgia
    Jimmy Cater in Georgia InformationJimmy Carter was born on October1, 1924. During 1977 to 1981 he served as President of the United States. Before that he sreved as Governor ogf Georgia. Cater is the only Gerorgian to be elected Predisent.
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    1996 Olympic Games

    1996 Sumer Olympic GamesIn1996 on July 19, Bill Payne came up with the idea of 1996 summer Olympic Games. The Atlanta Mayor Andew Young joined Payne first on the quest of develpoment. In September before the Games started they were preparing. It took $5.14 Billion dollars to prepare for the games.