Period: to
I was born -
Period: to
Infant Era
I turned one but dont remember what happened -
Period: to
Toddler Era
I still dont remember -
Period: to
Stay home period
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childhood Era
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preschool period
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Kindergarden Epoch
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Elementary school period
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1st grade epoch
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2nd grade Epoch
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3rd grade Epoch
got a dog
A lot of people hate my dog because he is a blueheeler bordacolli mix so he will bite their ankles if they are messing around. -
Period: to
4th grade Epoch
moved elemetary schools
Leawood was way worse then westridge -
Period: to
5th grade Epoch
Period: to
6th grade Epoch
Outdoor lab
I loved out door lab because it was super fun and I had the best bunk leaders. -
Period: to
KCMS period
Met Chloe Hung
This is an event that i addded because chloe is now one of my really good friends. We hang out a lot now and I am really happy that we are friends. -
Period: to
6th grade Epoch
Started gorlogical lifetime about my self
I liked this project because it was really fun.