geological time

  • 550 BCE

    event of the Ordovician period.

    event of the Ordovician period.
    It began with a great extinction at the end of the Cambrian and ended with another great extinction, before the Silurian.
  • 543 BCE

    event of the cambrian period

    event of the cambrian period
    During the Cambrian period there was fragmentation of Rodinia (Pangaea I). In this period,
  • Period: 541 BCE to 505 BCE

    paleozoic era

    The Phanerzoic began with the explosion of life of the Cambrian period. Phanerzoic means "visible life". Large coastal areas with favorable climates appeared that favored the appearance of almost all groups of animals and vegetables of the Cambrian.
  • Period: 541 BCE to 505 BCE

    Cambrian period.

  • Period: 505 BCE to 440 BCE

    ordovician period

  • 442 BCE

    event of the Silurian Period.

    event of the Silurian Period.
    In the Silurian Period begins the conquest of the emerging lands. Vascular plants (Pteridophytes) and terrestrial arthropods manage to colonize the mainland, being able to leave. Due to the explosion of plant life and the conquest of the earth, the atmosphere reaches a 21% of O2, as at present.. The first vertebrates appear, which are fish 21% of O2, as at present.. The first vertebrates appear, which are fish.
  • Period: 440 BCE to 410 BCE

    Silurian Period.

  • Period: 410 BCE to 360 BCE

    Devonian period

  • 362 BCE

    event of the Carboniferous period.

    event of the Carboniferous period.
    Warm and humid climate favouring the development of large coniferous and fern forests which will give rise to coal deposits.. The first reptiles appear.
  • 360 BCE

    evento of the Devonian Period.

    evento of the Devonian Period.
    The first freshwater fish appeared.
    The first amphibians emerged from fish that could resist out of water. Thus the vertebrates begin their conquest of the emerging lands.
  • Period: 360 BCE to 286 BCE

    Carboniferous period.

  • Period: 286 BCE to 245 BCE

    Permian period

  • 247 BCE

    even of the triassic period

    even of the triassic period
    In the Triassic, Pangaea begins to fragment into the continents we know in the today.. Different groups of animals, such as dinosaurs, appeared (230 m.a.), ammonoids (225 m.a.) and pterosaurs (205 m.a.)
  • 245 BCE

    Permian Period.

    Permian Period.
    The supercontent Pangea was formed which, together with the great volcanic activity that occurred in the Permian, greatly increased the greenhouse effect.
    La formación de Pangea provocó la orogenia hercínica, que formó muchas cadenas montañosas.
  • 245 BCE

    event of the Permian Period.

    event of the Permian Period.
    The supercontent Pangea was formed which, together with the great volcanic activity that occurred in the Permian, greatly increased the greenhouse effect.
    The formation of Pangaea caused the Hercinic orogeny, which formed many mountain ranges.
  • Period: 245 BCE to 208 BCE

    Triassic period.

  • Period: 245 BCE to 65 BCE

    Mesozoic era

    When eating from the Mesozoic Era, the climate was extremely arid, but when the fragmentation of Pangea occurred it changed to a humid tropical climate. There was a warm, glaciated climate in this Age.
  • Period: 208 BCE to 146 BCE

    Jurassic period.

  • 146 BCE

    event of the Jurassic period.

     event of the Jurassic period.
    The fracture and separation of the Atlantic Ocean begins.
    Antarctica and Australia are separated from Africa.
    Appearance of the first bony fish, mammals and birds.
  • Period: 146 BCE to 65 BCE

    Cretaceous period

  • 65 BCE

    event of the Cretaceous Period.

    event of the Cretaceous Period.
    The Angiosperms appeared
    In the seas, 60% of the known oil was generated.
    South America and Africa are separated.
  • 65 BCE

    Período Terciario

    Período Terciario
    Diversification of the mammals
    The horses showed up 54 m.a. The elephants appeared 50 meters ago. The whales appeared 50 meters ago.
  • 1 BCE

    event of the quaternary period

    event of the quaternary period
    Diversification of the genus Homo occurred
    Man conquers all continents.
    Glaciations occur.
  • Period: 2 to 21

    quaternary period

  • Period: 65 to 21

    Cenozoic era

    The continents that had fragmented from Pangaea continued their separation to their present position.
    When the fragmented continents of Pangaea collided, mountain ranges such as the Alps, Pyrenees and Himalayas formed. Alpine orogeny developed.
    The Atlantic Ocean continues to expand.