570 BCE
Earliest types of marine life. There was a huge amount of evolutionary changes during this time. Lasted 53 Million years -
500 BCE
Lots of sea animals during this time. North of the tropics was completely ocean Lasted 45 million years. -
435 BCE
This was the earliest signs of plants and some animals. The Silurian period was the third and last period in the Paleozoic Era. -
395 BCE
This was the time of the earliest amphibians. First types of dry land creatures. Free spring of vascular plants. -
345 BCE
There was lots of sharks and amphibians during this time. Plants from this time makes most of our coal. -
280 BCE
There was lots of sea animals that became extinct during this time. Also this is the period of the Paleozoic era, which ended with the largest mass extinction on earth ever. -
225 BCE
Beginning of the mesozoic era. During this time there was the first types of dinosaurs. Also pangaea is starting to break apart slowly. -
195 BCE
With the Pangaea splitting into two the north and the south there were more coastlines, making the climate more humid now instead of dry. Lots of new kinds of birds and mammals during this time. -
136 BCE
Lots of flowering plants and animals, this is the climax of the dinosaurs. This period was the end mesozoic era, it ended with a massive meteor killing most animals. -
65 BCE
This is the beginning of the Cenozoic era. Lots of modern day mammals now are on the earth, earliest placental mammals.