Geologic Timeline .

  • precambrian time

    precambrian time
    4.6 billion- 544 million
    G-Earth forms
    B-First Mass extiction occurs at the end of precambrian
  • Paleozoic - Cambrian

    Paleozoic  - Cambrian
    544 - 505million yaers
    G- shallo seas cover the land
    B- Invertebrates life explosed in the sea
  • Paleozoic Era -Ordovician

    Paleozoic Era -Ordovician
    505 - 438 million years
    G - North Africa covered by Ice cap covers
    B - Oceans Dominated by Invertebreates
  • Paleozoic - Silurian

    Paleozoic - Silurian
    438 - 408 million years
    G - Coral reefs develop
    B - Plants appear on land
  • Paleozoic Era - Devonian

    Paleozoic Era - Devonian
    408 - 360 million years
    G - The rise and fall of seas over North America
    B -Trilobites and Coral Flourish in ocean
  • Paleozoic Era -Carboniferous

    Paleozoic Era -Carboniferous
    360 - 286 million years
    G - Appalachian Mountains begin forming
    B - The first true reptiles appear
  • Paleozoic Era - Permian

    Paleozoic Era - Permian
    286 - 245 million years
    G -In the tropical Regions the Deserts become larger
    B - Reptiles that are warm blooded appear
  • Mesozoic Era -Triassic

    Mesozoic Era -Triassic
    245 - 208 million years
    G -center of the Pangaea is dominated by hot, dry conditions
    B - Reptiles age begins
  • Mesozoic - Jurassic

    Mesozoic - Jurassic
    208 - 144 million years
    G -North America seperates from South Africa due to the Pangaea breaking apart
    B -First birds appear
  • Mesozoic - Cretaceous

    Mesozoic - Cretaceous
    144 - 66 million years
    G - Volcanic Activity occurs
    B - Flowering plants occur
  • Cenozoic - Tertiary

    Cenozoic - Tertiary
    66 - 1.8 million years
    G -Continents continue to move in to present day form
    B - Age of mammals start
  • Cenozoic Era - Quaternary

    Cenozoic Era - Quaternary
    1.8 million years ago - Present day
    G- Glaciers advance and retreat over all the Antarctica
    B-Humans evolve in africa 100,000 years ago