Day One-Introduction/ Story Elements
The until will be introduced to the students today and we will complete the first graphic organizer (The Story Elements). As we are completing the graphic organizer, we will discuss the story elements of well known books and movies. In this lesson, we will also discuss the "Guidelines for a Safe learning Environment." -
Period: to
Literature Genre Unit Study
This is a 12 day unit that examines each literature genre and its' characteristics. This unit will be implemented the first week of school to familiarize students with the different genres. This will lay the groundwork for the reading year. -
Day Two-What is genre?
Today, I will introduce the word genre to my students and we will complete the bubble map graphic organizer by having students enter text as to what they think genre is. At the end, we will define genre as a system used to classify books by their common characteristics. -
Day Three-Poetry and Traditional Literature
To define the genre of Poetry, students will use the genre graphic organizer #2 and for traditional literature they will use the genre graphic organizer #1. We will complete the two graphic organizers together, discuss some examples of both genres, and I will complete the lesson by reading a poetry and traditional literature example to the students. -
Day Four-Fantasy and Science Fiction
To define the genre of Fantasy and Science Fiction, students will use the genre graphic organizer #1. We will complete the two graphic organizers together, discuss some examples of both genres, and I will complete the lesson by reading an example of each genre to the students. I will also show the students my Powtoon creation for Fantasy and explain to them that after we are done going over all the genres that they will be assigned a genre to make a Powtoon too. -
Day Five-Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, and Mystery
To define the genre of Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, and Mystery, students will use the genre graphic organizer #1. We will complete the two graphic organizers together, discuss some examples of both genres, and I will complete the lesson by reading an example of each genre to the students. -
Day six-Biography and Informational
To define the genre of Biography and Informational, students will use the genre graphic organizer #2. We will complete the two graphic organizers together, discuss some examples of both genres, and I will complete the lesson by reading an example of each genre to the students. -
Day Seven-Reviewing all genres
During this lesson, students will use their graphic organizers and I will read them short excerpts. Their job is to figure out what type of genre I am reading and they will cast their vote via kahoot.it -
Day Eight-Name that Genre (Part 1)
Table groups will be given a bin of books. As a group, they will have a few minutes to look through the selection and figure out what type of genre of books they have. They will then have to go on to TitanPad.com and enter their guess. At the end of both days of this activity, we will pull the TitanPad document up and discuss each table groups answers and have them provide evidence for their answers. -
Day Nine-Name that Genre (Part Two)
Table groups will be given a bin of books. As a group, they will have a few minutes to look through the selection and figure out what type of genre of books they have. They will then have to go on to TitanPad.com and enter their guess. At the end of both days of this activity, we will pull the TitanPad document up and discuss each table groups answers and have them provide evidence for their answers. -
Day Nine-Final Project
Students will be given the choice to create a Powtoon or Prezi in which displays the key points of all nine genres we have discussed in this past unit. Students will be given four days to complete this assignment. -
Day Ten-Final Project
Students will be given the choice to create a Powtoon or Prezi in which displays the key points of all nine genres we have discussed in this past unit. Students will be given four days to complete this assignment. -
Day Eleven-Final Project
Students will be given the choice to create a Powtoon or Prezi in which displays the key points of all nine genres we have discussed in this past unit. Students will be given four days to complete this assignment. -
Day Twelve- Final Project
All projects will be due at the end of today. Students will be given the choice to create a Powtoon or Prezi in which displays the key points of all nine genres we have discussed in this past unit.