Genogram Timeline

  • Period: to

    Genogram Timeline ADC-660-1

  • Birth of grandparents

  • Maternal grandparents get married

  • Paternal granparents get married

  • Mother's birth

  • Father's birth

  • Mother and Father get married

  • *My birth* *Had open-heart surgery*

  • Sister was born

  • Second sister was born

  • My parents seperate and we moved with my mom to grandmother's house.

  • Both parents begin dating and living with new partners

  • *Beginning of mother's alcoholism. *Beginning of father's alcoholism and drug addiction.

  • Me and my siblings get taken from my mom's custody and placed in temporary childrens home for 5 days until grandmother got gaurdianship of us.

  • OKC Bombing

  • Father died

  • Had my first daughter

  • Got married

  • Got divorced

  • Birthed my second daughter

  • Daughter had open-heart surgery

  • Daughter diagnosed with Cereral Palsy

  • Got married again

  • Husband deployed to Afgananistan

  • Moved from OKC to Tx

  • Started Undergrad program

  • Husband deployed to Africa

  • Start job at inpatient treatment facility

  • *Moved to GA* *Bought our first house*

  • *Graduated with BS* *Oldest daughter graduated highschool*

  • Start job as addiction counselor

  • Start graduate program

  • *Oldest daughter gets pregnant* *Husband deploys to Africa a second time*

  • Sister passed away

  • Present day