Genocide timeline

  • The SS was formed

  • Hitler is appointed chancellor

  • Hitler claims emergency powers

  • Boycotting Jewish businesses

    the Germans and Nazis start boycotting jewish businesses
  • Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases

    a law to keep the bloodline pure
  • Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals

    opposite of American double jeopardy
  • The Germans march on the Rhineland

  • Reich Central Office for the Combating of Homosexuality and Abortion was created

  • The Night of Broken Glass

    known as Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass was the night when undesirables businesses were boycotted and attacked
  • Joachim von Ribbentrop presented the Madagascar Plan to the Nazis

  • The St Louis rescued 900 jews but wasn't allowed to dock

  • The Nazis invade Poland

  • Period: to


  • Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps open

  • The Commissar Order was made

    The Commissar Order was an order to invade the Soviet Union
  • Einsatzgruppen

    the creation of the Einsatzgruppen, or Nazi death squads
  • The Nazis forced Jews to wear a yellow star of david

  • The beginning of the Babi Yar massacres

  • the Wannsee Conference

    the Wannsee Conference was a conference to discuss the "Final Solution"
  • Lodz ghetto kills 210,000 polish Jews

  • Zigeunerlager

    the creation of the Zigeunerlager, or the Gypsy camp
  • Mengele arrives in Auschwitz

    Mengele begins his gruesome experiments in Auschwitz
  • Himmler orders the liquidation of the Ghettos

  • Himmler orders the destruction of Auschwitz

  • The last gassing at auschwitz

    the victims had to literally dig their own graves
  • The Red Army frees Auschwitz

  • Hitler kills himself

  • The Nuremberg trials

  • Adolf Eichman is captured and convicted of war crimes

  • Josef Mengele has a stroke

    Mengee is swimming and has a stroke, he drowns