The SS was formed
Hitler is appointed chancellor
Hitler claims emergency powers
Boycotting Jewish businesses
the Germans and Nazis start boycotting jewish businesses -
Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases
a law to keep the bloodline pure -
Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals
opposite of American double jeopardy -
The Germans march on the Rhineland
Reich Central Office for the Combating of Homosexuality and Abortion was created
The Night of Broken Glass
known as Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass was the night when undesirables businesses were boycotted and attacked -
Joachim von Ribbentrop presented the Madagascar Plan to the Nazis
The St Louis rescued 900 jews but wasn't allowed to dock
The Nazis invade Poland
Period: to
Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps open
The Commissar Order was made
The Commissar Order was an order to invade the Soviet Union -
the creation of the Einsatzgruppen, or Nazi death squads -
The Nazis forced Jews to wear a yellow star of david
The beginning of the Babi Yar massacres
the Wannsee Conference
the Wannsee Conference was a conference to discuss the "Final Solution" -
Lodz ghetto kills 210,000 polish Jews
the creation of the Zigeunerlager, or the Gypsy camp -
Mengele arrives in Auschwitz
Mengele begins his gruesome experiments in Auschwitz -
Himmler orders the liquidation of the Ghettos
Himmler orders the destruction of Auschwitz
The last gassing at auschwitz
the victims had to literally dig their own graves -
The Red Army frees Auschwitz
Hitler kills himself
The Nuremberg trials
Adolf Eichman is captured and convicted of war crimes
Josef Mengele has a stroke
Mengee is swimming and has a stroke, he drowns