Genocide of the Dzungar Khanate

  • Beginning of Conflicts

    Begin territorially, and increase to a religious and racial issue.
  • Chingunjav Conspires with Amursana to Overthrow Qing Gov.

    The two are both completely fed up with the Qing increasing their rule.
  • Period: to

    480,000 - 600,000 Dzungar Mongols Killed

    80% of Total Population = Wiped Out
  • Period: to

    Dzungars are Effectively Forced out of their Homeland

    People are marched out of Dzungaria as their former homes are occupied by Qing/Green Army forces.
  • Chingunjav Executes his Own Rebellion in Outer Mongolia

    The rebellion fails, and Chingunjav and his family are executed by the Qing.
  • Dzungars are Subjugated to Qing Rule

    The Mongols are oppressed and taken as slaves, the women raped and the rest worked to death in farms and labor fields.
  • Period: to

    Qing Defend Decision, Declaring That It's in the Name of Unity

    Emperor defends decision his whole life, saying it was essential to bring the people together and ensure the safety of the Qing Empire.
  • Towns and Cities are Renamed in the Manner of COnfuciasm

    The Qianlong emperor renames near everything to match his world view.
  • Period: to

    Millions of Han, Turkestan, and Manchu Bannerman come to live in former Dzungar Territory

  • Period: to

    Former Dzungaria Becomes Qing Farmland, Dzungaria is Assimilated into China

  • Qing Exterminate Tibetan People, The US Is Just Becoming a Nation ( Has No Involvement )

    The Qing continue on their track of murder to purify their Han race.
  • Period: to

    Qing Start Declaring that They are Inclusive of Other Races, Claiming They are All One Family.

    Zhōngwài yījiā - "Chinese and Outsiders, One Family"