
Genocide in Rwanda

  • Germany controls Rwanda

    Germany controls Rwanda
    This event is important because this is when all the conflict will start to progress from this point on.
  • Period: to

    Genocide of Rwanada

  • Berlin gains control of Rwanda

    Berlin gains control of Rwanda
    This event leads to another event because the Hutu want to claim indepence from them. A war will start.
  • Rwanda gains independence

    Rwanda gains independence
    This is important because that's when they're free of forigen rule, the europeans.
  • Civil war begins

    Civil war begins
    This leads to the genocide because when the Rwandan president is killed, many were angery thus, the genocide,
  • Genocide

  • RPF ends the genocide

    RPF ends the genocide
  • War crimes trials begin

    War crimes trials begin
    It's important because that's when some justice (it may never be enough) is served.
  • Apology from President Bill Clinton

    Apology from President Bill Clinton
  • 26 defendants executed

    26 defendants executed
  • Gacaca courts to be set up

    Gacaca courts to be set up