May 31, 1162
Genghis Khan was born in the year 1162 on May 31st. His name at birth was Temujin. He was born in Deluun Boldog. He was born to his parents Yesugei (father) and Hoelun (mother). (biography.com) -
Period: May 31, 1162 to Aug 18, 1227
Lifespan of Genghis Khan
Jan 1, 1171
Tribe tries to force Temujin out
After his father is poisoned by the Tatar tribe, Temujin's tribe didn't want him to become leader, so they tried to force his family into a refugee state. (Life in Genghis Khan's Mongolia) -
Jan 1, 1172
Killing his half brother
After Temujin's father's death, Temujin was the rightful leader of his tribe. There was much dispute, whether the leadership would go to his relatives so Temujin killed his half brother, Bekhter, to confirm his position. (history.com) -
Jan 1, 1173
Influenza Epidemic
Influenza or "the flu" began to break out and was authenticated in Europe during the 1170s. (The Encyclopedia of World Biography) -
Jan 1, 1174
Horse Races
Early horse races are recorded in Enlgand. This became very popular entertainment and is still popular today. (The Encyclopedia of World Biography) -
Jan 1, 1187
First Wife
In 1187, Temujin married his first wife, Borte. She was from a different tribe and the marriage between the two united the tribes. When Khan was emperor, Borte was one of his most trusted advisors. (Life in Geghis Khan's Mongolia) (biography.com) -
Jan 1, 1191
Mayan Civilization
In South America, the second era of the Mayan Civilization began. (The Encyclopedia of World Biography) -
Jan 1, 1204
Amsterdam, Holland
In 1204, the city of Amsterdam was founded in Holland. (The Encyclopedia of World Biography) -
Jan 1, 1206
The Great Khan
After many important military victories, many Mongolian tribes decided to rename Temujin. They named his Genghis Khan, meaning universal ruler. This name had political and spiritual meaning, and was thought of as Monge Koko Tengri's representative on earth. Monge Koko Tengri was the most important Mongolian god, whose name meant Eternal Blue Sky. (biography.com) -
Jan 1, 1206
The Great Yasa
As the new leader of the Mongolians, Genghis Khan needed laws. He created the Great Yasa to set a foundation for Mongolian laws. (Life in Genghis Khan's Mongolia) -
Jan 1, 1209
First Foreign War
Genghis Khan initiated his first war with a different empire in 1209. He declared war against the Xi Xia empire in China. (history.com) -
Jan 1, 1215
Defeats Zhongdu Tribe
In 1215, Genghis Khan defeated the Zhongdu tribe with a unique battle technique. He burnt down all the fields and killed all the livestock so they enemy soldiers had nothing to eat. (Chinghis Khan and the Mongol Empire) -
Jan 1, 1218
Sending Genghis Khan a Head
Shah Muhammad, in response to Genhis Khan's peace offer, sends Khan a severed Mongolian head. Genghis Khan vowes revenge and declares war on Muhammad's tribe. (Chinghis Khan and the Mongol Empire) -
Jan 1, 1220
Domestic Giraffes
In Europe, animals are begininng to be domesticated in zoos, one example was giraffes. (The Encyclopedia of World Biography) -
Jan 1, 1225
Cotton in Spain
In Spain, cotton begins to be mnufactured. Cotton has many uses, primarily in clothing. (The Encyclopedia of World Biography) -
Aug 18, 1227
Genghis Khan died on August 18th in the year 1227. His exact cause of death is unknown but it was probably from injuries in battle. (biography.com)